EON Drive

  • snellijw's Avatar
    Level 5
    Is anyone else having problems with EON Drive. Moved over to EON, on 27/7/23. Was on Flex for 4 days, and then moved over to Drive. Having endless problems with Drive. The App doesn't show the correct pricing per useage, EON say this is an ongoing problem. The real problem is they haven't issued me with a monthly statement, and checking the daily cost from the App, they are billing me at Peak Rate for all my electricity. Keep ringing help desk, and they say, they are looking into issue, but as yet, not resolve.
    By my calculations they have overcharged me £30 last month alone.
  • 9 Replies

  • Best Answer

    JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91
    Best Answer

    The best person I can think of to advise on this is @geoffers who will hopefully respond to my tag and give you some good info. In the meantime, if you check out the thread in the link below (and any other stuff in the Electric Vehicles and Chargers section) you might get some good info there...


    One answer from customer service was...

    ''As with any in-home display (IHD), our app cannot keep up to date with how the new EV Tariff works.
    This is currently an issue that has been flagged to our EV Team and we're hoping for a resolution as soon as possible.

    As the EV Tariff is a "Time of Use" tariff, the prices change from midnight to 7am to the lower rate. We do not bill based on meter readings, but on consumption ever half-hour.
    This means that when it becomes 7am, the price changes to the higher rate.
    However, at midnight it drops to our lower rate.
    I can assure you that once you see your monthly bill statement from us you will be able to confirm the changes.

    For now, the app is giving the wrong information.''

    Hope this helps
    I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
  • Best Answer

    geoffers's Avatar
    Level 33
    Best Answer
    Is anyone else having problems with EON Drive. Moved over to EON, on 27/7/23. Was on Flex for 4 days, and then moved over to Drive. Having endless problems with Drive. The App doesn't show the correct pricing per useage, EON say this is an ongoing problem. The real problem is they haven't issued me with a monthly statement, and checking the daily cost from the App, they are billing me at Peak Rate for all my electricity. Keep ringing help desk, and they say, they are looking into issue, but as yet, not resolve.
    By my calculations they have overcharged me £30 last month alone.
    @snellijw - as @JoeSoap says above I'm in a similar situation.

    I had the same worries as you, since the Eon Next app doesn't/can't display the Next Drive tariffs (they claim... "yet")

    My Smart meter (and therefore the IHD) also still display the "old" rate which leads you to think that's what you're being charged.

    However I've been in touch with customer services and they apologized, saying that neither the Eon App or smart meter can currently display the costs, however the kWh energy usage is correct. They assured me that the amount I will be billed will have the correct rates applied, but I have yet to receive a statement.

    What I can suggest is downloading the "Bright" app and registering you meters with this - you can then view your hourly kWh consumption on the Bright app (the costs will still be incorrect since their app picks up the incorrect rate from the meter)

    Having registered your meters on Bright, you can then login in with your credentials on Bright's parent website www.glowmarkt.com where you can download over a years worth of half-hourly kWh readings from your meter in csv (comma separated variable) format.

    This contains the time and kWh readings which you can import into Excel (or any spreadsheet), and apply your rates to calculate your actual costs - then when the bill eventually arrives you are in the position to check they have billed you correctly.
  • snellijw's Avatar
    Level 5
    I am just very disappointed that EON launch a New Product, and it is not fit for purpose. The Smart Meter reading's are 3 days behind. The App doesn't reflect true costings, and they can't produce a statement. I came over from Octopus Go Faster, and I can't believe the difference.
  • Lee_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    Hi @snellijw

    It would be best that you contact customer service and request a statement, we can issue a statement anytime we enter a reading or use an estimate. Obviously in this case I believe it best the team use a read direct from yourself.

    If you've been billed to an accurate you wouldn't be overcharged. If your IHD doesnt show the correct details this would not cause an inaccurate bill if that makes sense, as we can see on our systems the correct tariff. If there is an issue on our system it's an easy fix.

    The best thing to do is as I mentioned contact customer service with a reading and ask for an up to date statement, on the statement you should see accurate tariff information.

    The issue of the IHD's not showing the correct tariffs has been flagged. Does your physical meter show the correct tariff information?
    Have a solar related question? Pop me a tag! Need our customer service teams? Click here! 📣 for ways to contact us
  • Docler's Avatar
    Level 5
    I shall be contacting the Ombudsman regarding this product...Eon clearly incapable of proving accurate bills, on a consistent basis, that truly reflect time of use consumption. I have been struggling with EON Drive since august last year. I use a number of third party softwares to monitor my half hourly smart meter data which I spreadsheet to generate my own electricity bill. This is the only way I can see of verifying the bills I recieve from EON. Sometimes they get it right and other times it is wrong. On this basis I refuse to set up a DD and check, very carefully, every bill.
  • Docler's Avatar
    Level 5
    yup i came from octopus GO...lured by the (apparently) tempting tarrif. EON are a total shambles....
  • Docler's Avatar
    Level 5
    @snellijw This thread is very interesting and elements of it completely mirror my experience
    !. Monthly bills suddenly stop appearing ..had to ring to request April and May 2024 bills
    2. The app provides a cartoon bar chart of daily total useage...no price attached AND very importantly NO TOU SPLIT
    3. My smart meter was installed by EDF and the TOU split seems to be hard wired to their old economy 7 split...so using meter reading does not provide verification of an EON drive bill
    4. For several months late last year and early this year the Peak/Off Peak split on my bills was correct in so far as it tallied with data from Bright and https://www.n3rgy.com/ (yes I am that person who spends a few minutes a week entering this data into my own spreadsheet)
    5. Since the shift to BST its all gone haywire again with recent bills using meter reading data and hence incorrect with the invoiced amount very much in their favour. The total units consumed is absolutely correct but the TOU split is very incorrect.

    I really think that EON have launched this product with no automated systems in place to correctly monitor peak and off peak use...goodness knows how many people on this tarrif are being overcharged with no way (unless they do like me) of verifying EON bills. Any one heard of the Post office Horizon scandal?!?

    I have challenged my recent overcharging and I have refuse to sign a DD until I am confident that EON can provide me with half hourly data on either their app or their website. Until they can they are close to providing a scam product.

    As an aside I was briefly with Octopus Go (moved to EON Drive because their tarrif was more attractive) and octopus go provide a daily statement of peak/off peak use and cost.

    I wonder why EON Drive cannot do the same...currently this product is shambolic
  • geoffers's Avatar
    Level 33
    @snellijw This thread is very interesting and elements of it completely mirror my experience
    !. Monthly bills suddenly stop appearing ..had to ring to request April and May 2024 bills
    2. The app provides a cartoon bar chart of daily total useage...no price attached AND very importantly NO TOU SPLIT
    3. My smart meter was installed by EDF and the TOU split seems to be hard wired to their old economy 7 split...so using meter reading does not provide verification of an EON drive bill
    4. For several months late last year and early this year the Peak/Off Peak split on my bills was correct in so far as it tallied with data from Bright and https://www.n3rgy.com/ (yes I am that person who spends a few minutes a week entering this data into my own spreadsheet)
    5. Since the shift to BST its all gone haywire again with recent bills using meter reading data and hence incorrect with the invoiced amount very much in their favour. The total units consumed is absolutely correct but the TOU split is very incorrect.

    I really think that EON have launched this product with no automated systems in place to correctly monitor peak and off peak use...goodness knows how many people on this tarrif are being overcharged with no way (unless they do like me) of verifying EON bills. Any one heard of the Post office Horizon scandal?!?

    I have challenged my recent overcharging and I have refuse to sign a DD until I am confident that EON can provide me with half hourly data on either their app or their website. Until they can they are close to providing a scam product.

    As an aside I was briefly with Octopus Go (moved to EON Drive because their tarrif was more attractive) and octopus go provide a daily statement of peak/off peak use and cost.

    I wonder why EON Drive cannot do the same...currently this product is shambolic
    @Docler I had similar concerns from not being able to view my costs on the IHD (my meter only has one tariff rate) or the EON app (can't show costs)

    However I was advised that the billing would correctly use the ½ hourly data, adjusted for BST in the summer (all data on the meter is recorded in UTC)

    It took 10 weeks & 2 calls to C.S before I started getting regular electricity statements.

    However in my case they have been spot on, comparing identically to my spreadsheet calculations ... ½ hourly usage data downloaded from glowmarkt(Bright) - I was particularly interested in checking the calcs on the BST>GMT last October and the GMT>BST change a month ago, and all their calcs seemed to be good 👍

    I don't know how data on Economy-7 meters is captured, but surely this should not be used at all - they are supposed to use your ½ hourly usage readings which presumably do not equate to E7
    Last edited by geoffers; 12-05-24 at 10:56.
  • rwh202's Avatar
    Level 6
    I don't know how data on Economy-7 meters is captured, but surely this should not be used at all - they are supposed to use your ½ hourly usage readings which presumably do not equate to E7
    You'd have thought...
    I've just had my first statement through on Next Drive 2 2R - 2 months after the switch and they are helpfully using the registers from the meter, not the 30 minute data to determine the peak / off peak split.
    Probably more straightforward than using 30 minute data, except they haven't adjusted the TOU matrix, so I'm getting 98 hours off-peak a week instead of 49!
    I shouldn't complain, but I've emailed them and await a response, but if like all previous correspondence, I doubt they'll understand the issue. Don't particularly want an unexpected £1000 bill when they finally realise the mistake.