Can't book SmartMeter appointment

  • Donster's Avatar
    Level 1
    I received a message that I could book a smartmeter appointment . I clicked on the link, answered a load of questions and was then told to ring up as I could not order online. I rang up but the advisor was unable to book the appointment. She agreed I was eligible to book but there was an error retrieving my meter information. There were also refernces to multi-phase meters and sec numbers which I did not ubderstand. The only problem I am aware that could occur is that I have an economy 7 meter which I kow requires a special type of smartmeter.
    Is this a known problem with booking amd is there a way to get the smartmeter booked?
    I have difficulty walking so not having to go to the meter to do readings would be a great help.
  • 13 Replies

  • Best Answer

    theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    Best Answer
    Heya @Donster!

    Uh oh... Something doesn't sound right there. But I think I can help. If you're able to please could you post photos of your existing meters. I think I need to check a few details about them and as I'm only a volunteer, I can't access your account to do that. However, I do know an interim solution that will help you out for the time being. If you haven't already, please consider registering for the Priority Services Register, as one of the available services is to have an engineer stop by every month to read your meters on your behalf. The cost of this service is completely free of charge and you can also set up an engineer password if you want do be doubly sure of the identity of any visitors.

    It should also be possible to get your meters upgraded, but if you could tell me more about your setup, that will help me to figure out the next steps you can take.

    Just another guy passing by... The unknown tech way...
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  • Donster's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hi, thanks for the offer of help. However I've now had a callback from Eon.Next who have now managed to book me anappointment for this Wednesday. They still sounded a bit uncertain as towhat I needed but at least I will have an engineer visit now. Thanks again.
  • EllGee's Avatar
    Level 1
    I cannot get a smart meter booked either, i want to change over to a Credit Meter and i am being blocked at every opportunity. Very frustrating from this company.Just moved in a few months ago and have to deal with PAYG when i have always had running meters is a nightmare
    Last edited by EllGee; 08-02-22 at 14:03.
  • Donster's Avatar
    Level 1
    I had a pre-payment meter som years ago for a short period. Very demeaning, I was treated as a criminal at Asda, refusig to take my debit card and insisting on cash. If you are getting nowhere say you are making a formal complaint and then take it to the ombudsman if they can give no reasonable explanation for refusing you.
  • EllGee's Avatar
    Level 1
    I had a pre-payment meter som years ago for a short period. Very demeaning, I was treated as a criminal at Asda, refusig to take my debit card and insisting on cash. If you are getting nowhere say you are making a formal complaint and then take it to the ombudsman if they can give no reasonable explanation for refusing you.

    Beki is having a look into it for me, hopefully i can get somewhere with her help :-)
  • Landmark's Avatar
    Level 29
    Hi, thanks for the offer of help. However I've now had a callback from Eon.Next who have now managed to book me anappointment for this Wednesday. They still sounded a bit uncertain as towhat I needed but at least I will have an engineer visit now. Thanks again.
    How did it go with the appointment then❔

    Eon Next Customer

  • Donster's Avatar
    Level 1
    @Landmark Well, that was a disaster. The egineer fitted the smartmeter. That night my eonomy 7 did not switch on. Engineer back the next day, got a fault cleared. That night the ecoomy 7 did not switch on again. Another engineer the next day who said as the smartmeter tested perfectly he would not replace it and the econoy 7 would definitely switch on that night. That night the ecoomy 7 did not switch on. Another engineer the next day said he did not carry smart meters and could only fit a classic meter. After being without heating and hot water for 3 days since I had no economy 7 I was ground down and accepted the classic meter. The ecoomy 7 is now working.
    I could have done with a repacement smartmeer to test if the one installed was faulty but there was a reluctance to do that. I'll probably now see if I can get someone to read the meter as someone above mentioned that was a possibiity.
  • Landmark's Avatar
    Level 29
    Thanks for sharing your experience here; even though it was a disaster. All what's happened to you must be logged; that is mandatory! You might be eligible for compensation for loss of power, but you will have to ask customer services about this I think.
  • nannysylvia's Avatar
    Level 1
    I've been having loads of issues trying to book an appointment online. There is defiantly an issue with the link. I'm logged in to the account and when I select Smart Meters from the Energy tab it takes me to the smart meter page, however when I click on the "Book a smart Meter appointment" link it takes me back to the dashboard.
    There have been occasions where I have manged to get to the booking system but after answering all the questions, I'm told there are no appointments available. This should be a fairly simple task to do online.
    This is really frustrating and I would expect a better service from a company like EON