E.on talks aboslute nonesense on the bills they send me. I refuse to allow my direct debit to increase to what they would like me to pay although have been in a £300 credit for the past 12 months.
Now they have estimated my usage to be -
£1860.15 a year for electricity £1446.70 a year for gas
I pay £170.00 and maintained a £300 credit. I have hive TRV throughout the house. I can warm rooms which are being used and those that are not. My heating goes 1st November and off 1st April. Even last winter I was in credit.
Over the last year, have you been supplying Eon Next with accurate reads either through your own momthly customer reads or have Eon Next been able to pull your meter reads directly from smart meter(s) every month.
Looking at my last statement from on Next, they are pretty close with their EAC (Estimated Annual Consumption) of Electric and Gas (measured in kWh) - electric is slightly low and gas is slightly high but in the right ball park. If you don't keep your own records then Eon's EAC is better than nothing - try not to think in £ but rather consumption in kWh and work from there.
You may now be aware of the unit prices from October 1st for gas/electric and I refer you to Government Guidelines from Oct 1st 2022 if you are not. So you might care to use the tariffs mentioned within said document to estimate what your annual £ bill is going to be once you have decided what your EAC is likely to be over the next 12 months. Sure take into account your existing credit then divide by 12 and then see how close Eon Next are to this calculation for your revised DD. If nowhere near then challenge Eon Next now that you have the detail to rebut an over-zealous DD. Be aware though of just how much unit rates will have risen since you took out your present fix and how high they are going from October 1st even with the latest government interventions in the market.
You didn’t mention your tariff or energy consumption. Is it just your estimated cost that has increased or is it your energy usage also? Have you just come off a fixed tariff or something?
I would have expected an explanation on your statement as to why your DD is increasing.
I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
Prices of energy have increased rapidly over the past 18 months or so. Prices this winter will be approximately twice those of last year if you are on a standard tariff, even after the government announcement of the EPG.
So if you use the same it will cost you a lot more this winter, if you are on the variable tariff.
However, after the announcement last week, virtually all customers will need to have their Direct debit amounts recalculated, so for the moment I'd sit tight wait for the new email and then think whether the new Direct Debit amount is near enough correct or wildly wrong, before you challenge it.
Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
You mentioned that we have estimated your usage. Are you able to send over actual readings perhaps? Our energy specialist team, will be more than happy to correct the bill if needed.
Actual readings are important to avoid any overcharge or undercharge enough causing either way some sort of debt.
You mentioned that we have estimated your usage. Are you able to send over actual readings perhaps? Our energy specialist team, will be more than happy to correct the bill if needed.
Actual readings are important to avoid any overcharge or undercharge enough causing either way some sort of debt.
The OP has only quoted usage in terms of £ rather than kWh which make me think, perhaps wrongly, that bills have been estimated. I agree that it is imperative that they submit accurate meter reads if they haven't already done so. Easy to do via the account portal (which I assume the OP can access).
Hi there, I am on a smart meter. I am on a fixed tarrif until April 2023. I would have expected that it would be based on the current tarrif. However the direct debit will not be changed and I will revert to Monthly payments based on meter readings only should E.on continue.
You still didn’t mention your consumption. Do the latest readings on your bill agree with the actual readings you can see on your meter/IHD? Is your consumption higher than what was predicted when you started your fix?
If your tariff commenced in April 2021 then you will be able to benefit from the price reductions from the Government EPG - these are that your unit prices will be reduced by 17p/kWh for electricity and 4.2p/kWh for gas. if you try to switch to a different payment pattern you may lose the prices you have and the discount that will apply from October 2022.
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