Moved homes, emailed EON.Next 5 times since the 29th July, no reply.

  • lekhureuil's Avatar
    Level 5
    Hi everyone,

    Just wanted people to know what to expect when they decide to move out of a property supplied by EON.Next. EON.Next is refusing to acknowledge any of my emails, or to reply to any of them (5 emails since 29th July) which they themselves encourage you to do and I am unable to add my own readings due to their poorly designed website.
    I therefore am unable to complete payment for the last month of my stay in my property, and therefore without proof of payment, cannot collect my deposit from my property management company. As an international student who is no longer in the UK, I am not able to afford spending hours on the phone with EON.Next and getting them to solve this problem after their website clearly says to write them an email. I've also tried contacting but to no avail.

    Since it does not look like this situation will be improving anytime soon as a result of EON.Next's unprofessionalism and poor customer service, I have no choice but to make sure all the other international and local students attending my University in London with over 50 000 students does not go through this stressful situation.

    Best of luck to the EON.Next's customers.
  • 9 Replies

  • Best Answer

    Landmark's Avatar
    Level 29
    Best Answer
    Hi everyone,

    Just wanted people to know what to expect when they decide to move out of a property supplied by EON.Next. EON.Next is refusing to acknowledge any of my emails, or to reply to any of them (5 emails since 29th July) which they themselves encourage you to do and I am unable to add my own readings due to their poorly designed website.
    I therefore am unable to complete payment for the last month of my stay in my property, and therefore without proof of payment, cannot collect my deposit from my property management company. As an international student who is no longer in the UK, I am not able to afford spending hours on the phone with EON.Next and getting them to solve this problem after their website clearly says to write them an email. I've also tried contacting but to no avail.

    Since it does not look like this situation will be improving anytime soon as a result of EON.Next's unprofessionalism and poor customer service, I have no choice but to make sure all the other international and local students attending my University in London with over 50 000 students does not go through this stressful situation.

    Best of luck to the EON.Next's customers.
    Do you have a customer account with Eon Next or were you on a prepayment meter at that address?
    What email address did you use besides
    Sadly due to current circumstances it may be a bit slower than usual sorting you out so hang on a bit longer and I am sure one of the community coordinators should help you sometime next week; I will flag up this thread for you to Anasa.
    Thank you for your patience in such difficult and upsetting/stressful times🙏

    Eon Next Customer

  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    Are you able to log-in to your account on-line? I only ask as in my on-line account, when I select the drop down menu under my name in the top right corner, I am able to choose 'Moving Home'.

    When selected, it asks when I'm moving out of my current address (it actually states my post code). I went no further but I took it that I could deal with everything from there.
    I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
  • Anasa_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @lekhureuil Anasa here 👋 I'm sorry to hear that you've had trouble with closing your account now that you've moved out.

    The best way to do this is to use the App this way you don't have to ring us or wait for an email response, it should be pretty straight forward as @JoeSoap has advised.

    We're very busy at the moment so an email can take anywhere up to 5 days or more to be responded to and its a couple of days via social media, also the email address that you have sent your information to is not the quickest way to get a reply the fastest way would be via WhatsApp or although there is still a longer wait for emails

    If you're not able to do this online via the App, when you get in touch please provide the date you moved out and the final meter reading that you've taken. 🙂
    Last edited by DebF_EONNext; 1 Hour Ago at 09:41.
    'The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members’

    Did you know that we're open 24/7? There are lots of ways to contact us over here!📣

  • lekhureuil's Avatar
    Level 5
    When I click on Moving Home, it tells me to send an email to which I have already done 5 times since the day I moved out, and even before then to ask for everything they might need such as forwarding address etc. Unfortunately, it does not state my post code. I am also unable to add my readings neither through the website nor through the app otherwise this issue would have been resolved a while ago as the final statement would be then produced and I'd be able to complete the payment and subsequently close my account.

    @Landmark I do have a customer account with EON.Next. As pointed above I used before I started copying in my emails which I sent as advised by the Moving Home page after clicking the drop down menu on the top right.

    I am very grateful for your help and wish you a great week ahead.
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    I can understand your frustration and anger. What I don’t understand is why some customers - you in this instance - can’t seem to get any response from customer service.

    The only thing I can suggest is to get as many irons in the fire as possible by using all contact means you can, ie Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp.
    @Anasa_EONNext is already aware of your plight on here so if you use the social network route then you will have all bases covered.

    I wish you good luck.
  • lekhureuil's Avatar
    Level 5
    Yep, I'm also trying the social network route but have again received no replies from them on Facebook and Twitter. I couldn't find a way to contact them through WhatsApp however.
    Thanks again !
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    WhatsApp number is in this post, at the top of the last main paragraph.

    People do have some success using this route.
    Last edited by JoeSoap; 12-09-22 at 08:00. Reason: Added a bit
  • Landmark's Avatar
    Level 29
    @lekhureuil How's it going so far? If still nothing, may take a bit longer, however, let us know when you hear back from Digi Energy Specialists who are the ones that can look into your account for you. Wishing you well and look forward to hearing how you get on🙂
  • lekhureuil's Avatar
    Level 5
    @JoeSoap Many thanks!
    @Landmark Thanks for notifying Anasa earlier, she's taking care of this issue for me and is almost resolved.