last night my smart meter started to beep every few mins , on looking at it its also got 2 flashing red lights , ive looked online and changed budget limits ive also turned off alerts and the meter is still beeping , ive even turned the digital display in my hallway off and back on and off alltogether and the meter is still beeping 9 hours later
im a light sleeper and unfortunatly can hear the beep in my bedroom , it kept me awake last night and i expect the same tonight , im disabled i live in a bungalow so cannot move further away from it (other than a hotel room)
question/s is/are what is the beep why is it happening and how do i stop it , anything physicaly on the meter i cannot do as i cannot reach it due to my disability
i assume its some kind of network issue ? as when my meters were swopped my gass one wasnt able to connect so was left unconnected ? my electric meter is about 4 feet from my router and the beep is a new thing "everything was working fine before"
@jack6899 not sure what IHD you have, but on mine there's a <clear settings> (ie.reset) option under the <settings> menu, so maybe try that to do a soft reset - may help 🤞
You'll then have to re input your budget limits if you've bothered to do that.
@jack6899 Is it the IHD (In Home Display) that is bleeping or is it coming from the actual meters? It's not by chance the gas meter itself that is beeping?
Last edited by WizzyWigg; 1 Hour Ago at 10:19.
Reason: Extra information
Clarity is always required in these matters and a clear description of what is happening by referring to the actual meter(s) and separately to the in home display is vital to aid understanding.
my in home display is fed power from my computer and is off most of the time. It doesn’t seem to suffer from being disconnected. If the noise is from the IHD removing it to another place and letting it discharge will silence it.
if the noise is from the actual meter it’s an engineer visit I’m afraid. The flashing lights are probably on the communications hub that sits atop the electricity meter, and is a likely source. It may be a warning of failure, similar to an exhausted smoke detector.
Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
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