Ah but you could get better efficiency and a lower latency with ethernet.
If your internal speed is faster than your external speed, you might not notice much difference, but it is there. Every packet that comes down ethernet is immediately available on ethernet. If you use wireless, each packet has to be wrapped in an additional layer of wireless security which inherently adds overhead to the communication.
Think of ethernet as writing a note and handing it over in person. Wireless involves tucking the note in an envelope and sealing it. It takes no more time to pass the note, but the overhead comes from opening the envelope to get the note out again.
The difference is exacerbated on slow connections, of course.
One of my networks is CAT6 gigabit. Despite the fact my WAN is only 90Mb and that's as fast as stuff comes into the house, I can shuffle stuff between 'pooters at full speed.
You might have a wireless speed of 130Mb but almost 20% of that data transfer is the wireless envelope itself. So a 100Mb ethernet cable would likely be a tad quicker, plus you don't need the overhead of retransmitting the occasional dropped packet...or 'Pardon, Repeat, Over' Syndrome 🤓