The only reliable data from a gas meter is the volume records. Everything else is illustrative and has varying levels of accuracy. Creating your own spreadsheet is the best way of monitoring.
Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
Yep that's what it says. 🤗 In the meters. 👍 @meldrewreborn is spot on the best monitoring system is the Spreadsheet. 👴
Second best is your favourite, downloading the CSV via Glowmarkt/Bright.
Hello @AJC052 Sorry to hear you've had issues with your IHD, We can certainly reach out and help you with most issues however if it is your historical gas usage I can see that @retrotecch @WizzyWigg and @meldrewreborn have already stepped in to offer you some fab info about this.
We do also have our very own Smart IHD @theunknowntech right here on the forum and there is not much he does not know when it comes to IHDS, hopefully he'll swing by and take a look into this. 😊
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Hi all and thank you for the info. Apologies for slow reply. We were enjoying an afternoon tea at the George in Stamford and a disconnect from the world! Bliss!
There is some incredible information there, thank you. With over 26 years experience of military aviation on fly-by-wire aircraft (dirty noisy jet engines), I have seen some bizarre happenings between data storage and display. At least I am now more convinced that my IHD is 'frail' (again, not a word I ever used, but words with similar starts...) in that when requesting data, the meter refuses to divulge it. In all other respects, the IHD gives us what we want. Essentially. I like to have an understanding of how systems work!
We were always happy with the '-ish' value from the IHD. The important value is the monthly one we receive from the company.
Again, thank you and we will wait to see what else emerges!
Randomly (and out of the blue), an email was received regarding an update for the IHD. When the update was done, the IHD displayed historic gas data for six days, but not the 'yesterday' value. This remained at the usual standing charge value. (A quick edit and clarification 28 Nov 24 - the stated 'yesterday' value is now slipping back on a daily basis i.e. the IHD 'milked' the meter reading for one week only. It now does not receive historic data again.)
However, I tried the EOn app out of curiosity and found it worked at last! The necessary data was available on there...and saved a potential £50 for a new IHD!
Thus we now use the IHD for real time data for electricity (either import or export) and either read/record gas data at the end of the day or the EOn app when days end data is unobtainable.
The frailty has been worked around successfully! Hope this is of help to anyone having similar issues.
Last edited by AJC052; 28-11-24 at 07:16.
Reason: To clarify information
Morning @AJC052 Thank you for your update. It certainly will be of help to others. 👍
It looks like you are now a fully paid up member to the 'Smart ' metering brigade. 😉👴
@AJC052 You are not the only one with the historical data issue on the IHD. I have the new Iviebud IHD and to the same day i have the same issue as you are. My issue now has been going on for over 7 weeks and Eon-Next are not willing to help any further with the issue and given me a deadlock letter. So its now in the hands of the energy Ombudsman.
However in the last day the IHD has drop all connects to the smart meters and just keeps rebooting itself. I have emailed Ivie and Messaged Eon-Next to find out if they have been doing anything in the back ground to try and resolve this issue. If neither are able to help i will be adding this additional information to my complaint with the energy ombudsman.
@GG1234635 In my experience, the historic data is not insurmountable. If you want/need, take daily readings for gas at day's end or use the now operating Eon app for historic data. 'Live' readings (for me) are more important and they still work.
Good luck with resolving your problem though!
@AJC052 Thanks for your reply. It actually my mums IHD and shes an OAP and cant get on with technology so she relies on her IHD a lot. and now with it not working at all shes in a right "flap" over it now. Hopefully it will get sorted and working again.
If the IHD is no longer working, AND its less than 12 months since the smart meter installation, then a new one should can be supplied - they're under guarantee for 12 months from date of installation. The complaint has changed focus and the situation is now different. Let all parties know, demand a replacement and hope for the best.
Once the 12 months are up you are on your own.
Personally given the prominence given to the IHD in the TV ads I think that it is absolutely appalling situation.
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