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  • ALB23's Avatar
    Level 1
    My account was over £300 in credit, so I requested a refund by EON who initially said the refund request was accepted and a cheque should be sent to me shortly. I’ve now received an email from EON saying

    “Our billing team had been investigating your account and discovered that the refund was initially rejected due to catch-up bills that were not issued for them.

    After a thorough review, we have re-billed your account correctly for the bills that were previously estimated. As a result, the refund could not be processed as it covered the catch-up bills that were not originally issued.
    Your current account balance stands at -£210.63 in debt.”

    I don’t understand what catch up bills not issued. Has anyone else experience this? Please help.
  • 7 Replies

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    JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91
    Best Answer

    Ah, right. You could try submitting a manual read of the meter(s) to bring the account bang up to date and then try again. The credit balance is yours and you should be refunded if that’s what you want. It may result in your monthly DD being increased of course.

    When I apply for refunds I do it by email and attach photos of my meters showing the current reading. This shouldn’t be necessary but it helps.

    Good luck with it.
    I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    Was your account £300 in credit immediately after you submitted recent accurate meter readings?

    I only ask as I’m wondering if that credit balance was out of date due to it being the result of estimated readings or readings from a while ago and that these ‘catch up’ bills are what were issued after current meter readings were applied to the account.

    Your latest statement(s) should supply the answer.
  • ALB23's Avatar
    Level 1
    @JoeSoap I have a smart meter, so I didn’t send any readings they’re taken automatically when they bill me. The £300 in credit was shown after my last direct debit £145 was taken out - I’ve never used anymore electricity than this by the way.
  • HelenaP_EONNext's Avatar
    Level 30
    @ALB23 Welcome to the Community! 👋

    When requesting a refund we need to ensure the account is fully billed up to date within 14 days of an actual reading, the refund can sometimes be rejected if the account has any billing gaps or not fully billed up to date.

    I agree with @JoeSoap, it may be best to provide an accurate manual reading from the meter to ensure you are provided with a correct bill up to date to have an accurate view of your current balance! 😊

    Is your smart meter providing monthly readings to the account?
    🌲 “Nature is the source of all true knowledge.” – Leonardo da Vinci 🌲

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  • ALB23's Avatar
    Level 1
    @HelenaP_EONNext why would I need to provide a manual reading when I have a smart meter? Does that defeat the point in having one?
  • HelenaP_EONNext's Avatar
    Level 30
    @ALB23 I completely understand what you mean, although sometimes there can be intermittent issues that can cause the readings to not be updated on the system 🙂 It may be best to check we have been communicating with your smart meters and to provide a manual reading/request a smart meter reading to be pulled to ensure you are billed up to date before requesting another refund.

    I would also advise to check your statement to see if there were any previous billing gaps that caused an incorrect balance on the account
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92
    @HelenaP_EONNext why would I need to provide a manual reading when I have a smart meter? Does that defeat the point in having one?

    Agreed - but when so called smart meters or the communication links fail a good old fashioned meter reading is definitely a good idea. Not having a smart meter on either fuel seems to me completely sensible and doesn’t give me any hassle. Sometimes it pays not to be an early adopter of new technology and smart meters prove the point.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and think the smart meter programme is a waste of our money. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.