Why aren't EonNext staff EonNext customer?

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  • WizzyWigg's Avatar
    Level 86
    It's rather like a vegetarian telling you to eat meat
    What anyone consumes is a personal choice and absolutely nothing to do with who their employer is.
  • DebF_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    Being a bit of an insomniac and bored, I decided to check the biogs of the EonNext staff on the board.

    Despite extolling the virtues of EonNext, why was it, of the 4 members of staff I looked up, all 4 were not EonNext customers!?

    Hey @gbhxu haven't seen you around in a while I hope you're well?

    I'm not an E.ON Next customer although we have a few of the team who are.This was due to my circumstance rather than choice.

    I had a prepayment meter and at the time E.ON Next wasn't able to switch to Smart PAYG which I wanted, so I went to another supplier. I got SPAYG fitted with them and they had a fixed tariff that I signed on to (which has exit fees) that contract still isn't up.

    Unfortunately it hasn't been a bed of roses with my supplier (I won't name and shame) and I have an ombudsman complaint open myself 😏
    "Green is the prime colour of the world and that from which it's loveliness arises"-Pedro Calderon De La Barca 🌳

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  • HannahD_EONNext's Avatar
    Head of Community
    Hey @gbhxu what a good spot, can't say I'd checked that myself but you certainly started a conversation in our virtual office today!

    Whilst I am now an E.ON Next customer after moving home in February, I hadn't been for a good chunk of my time working here. 2 main reasons, partly covered by some of our members above!

    1) We definitely want to find the best deal, and sadly (for us) ofgem put an end to staff discounts/pricing many many years ago so just like you all do, we go hunting for the best deals for us! For a long time I was with Scottish Power as they had some great fixed deals available and I was veeeery lucky to fix for 3 years just before the energy crisis - I'd have been mad to switch away!
    2) There's still a bit of a hangover from the days where electricity was nationalised and split into regions. When it was privatised, to promote customers switching and not just staying with whoever had taken over their area (for example Powergen took over East Midlands Elec, E.ON then took over Powergen) they weren't allowed to be the cheapest supplier in that area. That's partly why you still see such differences from area to area on prices with the same suppliers - however now much more of the difference is down to distribution costs. A lot of our community team is based in the East Midlands so when we go searching for those amazing deals, it's never usually E.ON Next who come out cheapest.

    Although it's not all about price, before moving to E.ON Next for my new home I did contact a few other suppliers who were cheaper (my metering set up was a bit complex) and their responses gave me zero faith in the customer service so I opted to pay a little more to be with E.ON Next who I knew could get me set up easily - and they did!
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91
    We're all free to make our own choices. I'd guess that there is no staff discount on offer, so there's no particular incentive to change. Also knowing how nosey others can be you might not want your colleagues looking into your account. There's also the possibility that having accounts with other energy suppliers gives an opportunity to see how the others do things - so intelligence gathering. Or perhaps knowing how bad the customer service is they want to be elsewhere. But a huge number of the population never switch suppliers, or tariffs, so I wouldn't be surprised if that goes for our beloved Nexties too.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • Tommysgirl's Avatar
    Level 51
    @JoeSoap @retrotecchie @WizzyWigg

    I agree that it's down to individual choice and getting the best deals available. One of my late uncles worked at a local bakery as a bread baker, but wouldn't eat anything that was made there 🍞😂. I worked for the Government as a Civil Servant all my working life, (both Labour and Conservative), but It didn't mean I supported or agreed with their policies. 😃
  • Anasa_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Hello @gbhxu Great question! And lots of good answers! There are lots of reasons why mostly mentioned above but for me I love having a prepayment meter and I wanted a smart meter at the time EON Next could not support this so I was not able to go ahead sadly.

    Also suppliers can be different prices depending on what region you are in so I'll never rule out coming over to EON Next when I'm ready to change supplier. I think EON Next is amazing with all the offers they just couldn't support what I needed at the time.

    The most important thing is that you go with the supplier that best suits your needs.

    How are you finding the Community so far? 😀
    Last edited by Anasa_EONNext; 21-07-24 at 19:43.
    'The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members’

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