Meter Certification - Do I need my meter replaced?

  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91

    in the south smart meters use a type of mobile signal but in the north it’s a type of radio signal.

    It is the case that smart meter communications do not use any form of broadband to relay data. A smart meter, working in smart mode, would be beneficial to @Termagant as readings would be taken automatically. However not all do work as advertised, perhaps a one in ten chance, but then the situation would be as now- the meter would require reading by a meter reader.
    Last edited by meldrewreborn; 03-07-24 at 10:59.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • Termagant's Avatar
    Level 3
    @geoffers Perhaps I was not very clear, I don't want to be forced to have a smart meter. I live in the North in a town but the various providers have ignored our property and it is still copper wired and I cannot get anything except 30 to 40 , faster fibre is not possible. My real point is I should not be bullied into having something I do not want.
  • Termagant's Avatar
    Level 3
    I don't want a smart meter they are bullying me and sending email after email and all I wanted was my meters read. Everybody else could input meter readings for the cap change on July 1st, they have made me feel that I do not count.
    Last edited by Termagant; 02-07-24 at 23:07. Reason: error
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92
    I cannot read my meters as I am disabled and cannot reach them now. I am on the Priority Service Register and rang Eon next to ask them to meter read for the 1st July cap change.

    E.On Next don't have 'meter readers' so cannot send one round just like that. Most meter reads are carried out by an agency (like Morrison Data Services) on behalf of multiple suppliers.

    A smart meter would be your best solution, but can you not ask a family member, friend or neighbour to read the meters for you?

    Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91

    i fully understand not wanting a smart meter. But I also recognise that many people have no issues with them and in some cases they are actually very useful. Your situation is a case where smart metering could work extremely well.

    the worst case is that you meter is replaced and then communication isn’t established. Your meter would still measure your consumption and would need to be read manually - just as is the case now.
    I don’t see any downside to having smart metering in your home, only potential benefits.
  • Termagant's Avatar
    Level 3
    @retrotecchie there are no neighbours or family that can read them. As stated I am on the Priority Register and if you look on Eon next own website they offer at least quarterly meter readings. Ofgem and the CAB both say Eon MUST read PSR customer meters when required. Tbh I am now heartily sick of having to explain in finite details why I need this service. I would dearly prefer to be a
    " normal" customer. I will now leave this forum. Thank you all who have replied, but, unfortunately, like Eon next, you haven't really understood or read my postings in full.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91

    I think we have read your posts and understood them. Of course you are entitled to have your meter read. But you’ve focused your posts on not wanting smart metering so we’ve responded to that.

    We’ve pointed out that the broadband service has no relevance to smart metering although you reference this several times.

    your gripe is with Eon Next over meter reading for those on the PSR. Have you made a complaint?
  • Lee_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    @Termagant I hope you're still with us on the Community? I read you were leaving?

    I think we need to just clarify a few things which some of the other members have tried to assist with, my focus here is going to be on the process & PSR. Now the Meter Certification is not linked to the PSR, it's purely your meter is coming to the end of its life and it needs replacing. Under governmental regulation (The Electricity Act 1989) we’re required to replace your meters.

    If a customer wanted smart for PSR reasons this is not the same as an end of life meter. I appreciate people who can read your meter etc however changing the meter is purely down to the end of its life from what I have read above.

    I would suggest you give the number on your letter a call and have a chat with an advisor, hopefully they can ease your concerns.

    Let me know how you get on.
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  • Termagant's Avatar
    Level 3
    Lee, I did not want it changed for PSR reasons. I wanted them read as the prices were dropping and I am unable to read them and PSR gives me that right. I mentioned meter change as when I logged onto my Eon account I had notification that it had reached the end of its working life. Two seperate issues. I was told there was a limited supply of normal meters but now have been advised that Eon will only replace it with a Smart meter. I do not want one. I have been harassed and pressured over months and had to insist that notes were put onto my account to stop the flow of emails. It started up again and has ended in stalemate. Please will nobody tell me about Snart meters, I know everything there is to know about them, and I don't want one. A limited supply does not mean there ain't any, its just Eon have said no.