I thought I'd posted this query yesterday, but according to my profile I haven't any posts so here goes.
I received a phone call yesterday from someone from E.on. The number is in my call log & it is 0333 202 4470. Basically I was told that the battery in my gas smart meter was failing & an engineer appointment was needed to fit a new one. The usual checks with a call like this were carried out (1st line of address, postcode.DoB & I gave a phrase to be given to the engineer for them to use on their arrival.) There was no engineer availability for the initial dates offered (although retired I'm pretty active & involved in lots of things so my availability is constrained). The operator said she would call me back (I use mobile as my broadband has been switched to Sogea so no landline any more) with a date & time. So far nothing.
Was this a fishing call? Don't know hence the question about telephone numbers.
Any help greatly appreciated.
Last edited by brush3287; 07-11-23 at 11:08.
Reason: slight errors
I would contact customer service by one of the means in the Contact Us section in the purple section at the bottom of this page and check if this call is legitimate.
I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
Well the saga continues. An appointment was made but the engineers failed to turn up & I got a notification 45 minutes before the appointment was due to end. So I'd waited in the whole morning. Eventually I made another appointment & I was told I'd be receiving a £30 credit. Nothing happened to that (until later). Of course the new appointment was not as I had asked for (why would I think this company would do such a thing, you know provide a little customer service? silly me.) The new appointment day arrived & a van without Eon logo on it but the name of some staffing resource contractor (Peter Ganymede?) turned up. First off the security question I'd set up for the appointment was not used but no biggie as my meters are set in the wall at the side of my house so the engineer had no need to come in. He didn't seem to know why he was there & just pointed out about the water ingress to the electricty meter. Where I live (we're surrounded by the Peak District NP) until last year I had some protection from trees but they were demolished by the then land owner, but now the wind just whistles up & blow rain across my property. Yesterday evening I found the gas meter cover propped up against the wall (it hadn't fallen off it must have been taken off presumably by this contractor, why I don't know). Since all this started I have had a heat pump installed (not by E.on) which is working OK & my £30 credit for the first failed appointment reduced to £20. I'm now being told I need to contact Cadent to remove the gas meter. Well I'm not going to my contract is not with them & as I understand things they only provide services to the Energy Companies & not homes. When my fixed deal ends I will not be staying with Eon & I will be using the complaints procedure & then no doubt finish up with Ofgem to get Eon to do what they should do & provide a service to customers.
I appreciate this is an older thread, I wanted to check in with you to see how you got on with this 🙂
I am very sorry to hear of the issues you experienced! Were you able to raise a complaint with customer service about this?
It would be great to know what the outcome was 🙂
The Warm Home Discount scheme for 2024/25 is now open! For more information check out this thread - Warm Home Discount 2024/25 ❄
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