the Next Export Exclusive How much paid by eon next

  • Cigale's Avatar
    Level 5
    I have been trying all afternoon to get someone at Eonnext to tell me what they pay me for exported electricity. I think I have seen that as a customer I am entitled to the the Next Export Exclusive before I send off the application I want to be sure of the amount they pay per kWh especially as it’s a 12 month fix.

  • 16 Replies

  • Cigale's Avatar
    Level 5
    Yes thanks I note that and that ties in with the website BUT as I wanted to hear it from the horses mouth so to speak I phoned EonNext. Spoke to three different people none of whom could provide information, answer questions etc. Someone called back this morning and said it was 3p per kWh! I told them I thought they were wrong. I phoned the number on the web page for the Smart Export Guarantee. Wait a long time for an answer put on hold after half an hour the guy can’t help but gives me a number to call. It’s the same number I called to get to him. Mostly on the buying electricity side the service from Eon has been OK but they are not good in this area.
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    Understanding what you will actually get with SEG before you even apply for it seems to be as difficult as it is for those considering Next Drive.

    If you meet the laid down requirements for Next Export Exclusive then, as you know, according to what info is readily available you will get 16.5p per kWh of exported electricity.

    I will tag the experienced and helpful @LeeDQ_EONNext who is always willing to clarify on such issues.

    I suppose no-one can guarantee what, if any, tariff you will be accepted for until you complete the application process. Hopefully that will lead to an offer you can either accept or decline and not just sign you up straight away. That said, there are no exit fees but that probably only stands as long as you don’t switch supplier.
    I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
  • Cigale's Avatar
    Level 5
    Thanks Joe
    I think the worst thing about this is that whatever number at Eonnext you phone the people you speak to don’t even have a clue what the Smart Export Guarantee is.
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91
    Thanks Joe
    I think the worst thing about this is that whatever number at Eonnext you phone the people you speak to don’t even have a clue what the Smart Export Guarantee is.

    You would think if you phoned the FIT/SEG Team on 0808 501 5218 you would be able to get sound advice on this.
  • Cigale's Avatar
    Level 5
    That’s the number I phoned. Because that’s the number on the web site. That’s the one where I wasted 30 minutes only to be told to call that same number! Anyway I’ve submitted the application so will sit and wait. Expected automated confirmation email but nothing.
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    It's all a bit inexplicable. It seems that there's a pool of what they call 'energy specialists' and you're at the mercy of whoever picks up the call. Anyway, good luck with the application.
  • Lee_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    @JoeSoap @Cigale

    If you call the FIT/SEG number you will speak to an expert in that area. I can only imagine the person you spoke to just wanted to clarify what information you needed was correct.

    The thing is with FIT and SEG it's heavily regulated. I would rather check the information I'm putting out than advise a customer incorrectly. I would suggest if you're unhappy with how this was handled contact the team and they will raise a complaint for you.

    Can I just ask when you called the number what automatic message did you get? Like on the options?

    I am more than confident anyone on the SEG line would have been able to answer this question, I would definitely contact them to get that investigated. The unfortunate call wait time, would be down to the time of year potentially as it's the second biggest period for the FIT/SEG teams.

    If you need anything else answered just let us know.
    @JoeSoap Thank you for helping, we appreciate it.
    Have a solar related question? Pop me a tag! Need our customer service teams? Click here! 📣 for ways to contact us
  • Cigale's Avatar
    Level 5
    Thanks for your message however I will now explain the problem.
    I discovered this yesterday and it has take a week and a half to get to this stage. I had to make a complaint at a very senior level which resulted in a call from the escalated complaints team. The problem is that whatever number I call the EonNext system picks up that I am a customer and defaults the call to the “buying electricity” side of the business. These people know nothing about SMG. This means that if you are a customer for energy and they have your telephone number(s) lodged you will NEVER get through to the SEG team. The only way you will get through is by preceding the number with 141 to hide your number or call from a phone they do not have registered. Frankly this was trying to be be too clever. I am assured that something will be done about this but in the meantime if anyone wants to speak with the SEG team and they are an EonNext customer they will need to hide their number.
    I’m sure you are right the SEG team can answer all questions but on this occasion it was impossible to speak with them.