Have you ever wondered what it's actually like to drive an electric vehicle? Ever asked yourself how far you can travel in an EV? Maybe you've wondered about charging or how fast they can go? If so then then look no further!
As part of our Less Carbon More Fun series we've created a YouTube mini series that answers all of those questions, with lot's of fun and frivolities along the way! Follow our resident EV Expert Andy and Travel Vlogger Ben (from kombilife) as they go on The Great British EV Road Trip.
Episode 1: To Devon!
Episode 2: To the Cotswolds!
Episode 3: To London!
Last edited by DebF_EONNext; 16-01-25 at 12:21.
Reason: added link
"Green is the prime colour of the world and that from which it's loveliness arises"-Pedro Calderon De La Barca 🌳
In 2011 I did a 2500 mile road trip around the UK over 9 days in a carbon neutral diesel vehicle powered entirely on cooking oil.
Much more fun than trying to work out where the next charging point was as I could get chip fat in any supermarket!
Last edited by retrotecchie; 16-08-23 at 13:55.
Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons.
In 2011 I did a 2500 mile road trip around the UK over 9 days in a carbon neutral diesel vehicle powered entirely on cooking oil.
Was there any modification required to make the engine run on cooking oil? Did you get the same MPG as with diesel? How did the price of chip oil compare with diesel? Lastly, does it damage the engine in any way?
No more questions, your honour 👨⚖️
I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
No modifications needed. The Astra 1.7TD with the older Isuzu low-blow turbodiesel lump had an electrically heated fuel preheater on the filter housing. Just shove it in the tank and you are good to go.
The MPG was fractionally worse as rapeseed oil has a slightly lower cetane rating than diesel and doesn't contain quite as much energy per kg. However, the emissions are a little cleaner (and smell nicer), the lubricity is much greater and the engine runs a bit quieter. Maybe 45 mpg instead of the usual 48 mpg. This was a rather primitive non-ECU diesel so I wouldn't have expected the 50-60mph that a more modern common rail can get.
Chip oil was around 26p a litre and at the time, diesel was about 79p a litre. A third of the cost. And cheaper in bulk from a cash and carry.
No engine damage but you do need to change the inline fuel filters a little more often. They suffer from clogged arteries!
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@DebF_EONNext The only thing my partner doesn't like about the EV is charging when shes out and about. It does give her an excuse to go shopping more 🤣
Swappable batteries are a non starter. For very small vehicles like the Citroen Ami they have a place but for a more substantial vehicle where a large battery pack with integrated cooling systems and high kW capacity, they aren't practical. It's not just a case of a connector for battery main terminals, but all the cooling system, monitoring, temperature control and other gubbins that makes them too complicated. Plus the battery packs are huge and relatively heavy and have to be structurally integrated into the chassis of the vehicle. A simple 'hand swappable' battery pack is not really something you can do practically.
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