I must hold my hands up here and confess to being a bit of a Luddite. Here's an example of what I have for a spreadsheet...
These readings are taken from Bright so no July Data of course as everything seems to be broken right now. I have similar spreadsheets for readings from the IHD and most importantly from my statements. Not quite a pencil stub and envelope but more A4 and ballpoint 😂
Here's how I did in the last 12 months compared to the previous 12 months...
27% less leccy and 22% less gas so I'm happy with that. Approximate savings of £1100 over the last 12 months compared to what I would have paid using the same amount of energy as the previous 12 months 👍
I really am old school. Although all my life in engineering (I actually worked on stuff with a mercury arc rectifier in the day) I am not so good with techie stuff, but I get there in the end somehow 😂
Last edited by JoeSoap; 10-08-23 at 10:33.
I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.