IHD Tariff Update Request More Troublesome Than Normal

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  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91
    from the 2 statements above it would appear that your understanding is that Eon push the tariff rates to the IHD,

    Thanks for the info but I’m not sure how you read that from the statement of mine you quoted.

    @Ian413 has been told the IHD is faulty. My suggestion was, perhaps in a round about way, that if the meter also has the same incorrect rates as the IHD then that could be the same problem I have, which is that the meter has not been updated correctly.

    On the other hand, if the meter does have the correct tariff rates, then the update worked. That would then point to the HAN or IHD.

    That’s my understanding at least, and how I tried to articulate it, perhaps unsuccessfully.

    Regarding the Bright App, I too think it’s excellent. Trouble is, the last recorded usage data is on 7July and I’ve had nothing since. I have no idea if the two issues are related so I need the smart meters/IHD to be all tickety boo first and then see what happens.

    I appreciate how convoluted this thread has become so have done a bit of a précis in the next post.
    Last edited by JoeSoap; 07-08-23 at 01:41. Reason: Added a bit
    I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91
    This thread has become very convoluted. In addition, I am conversing with @LeeDQ_EONNext who is trying to resolve the issue. For reference, I will try to put the bullet points of the story so far and will keep this post updated as things progress...

    1. On 24 June 23 I emailed hi@eonnext.com requesting a tariff update to my smart meters and IHD.

    2. The update was in place the next morning but the rates showing were slightly higher than my actual tariff. I think they are non-DD rates (not entirely sure) whilst I have a DD tariff.

    3. I persisted in asking for another update (after being given many excuses as to why it hasn't worked yet) and on 28 June I was told the meter had been refreshed again.

    4. Within minutes, my account had early exit fees of £150 applied to it and my monthly DD had risen. I immediately brought this to the customer service advisor’s attention.

    5. At this point, on 29 June, I raised two complaints by emailing unhappy@eonnext.com, one asking for a correct tariff update or an explanation of why it cannot be done and the other because I wanted my £150 back, my DD restored to what it was and an explanation of what had happened. I have never to date received a reply to either email.

    6. In the meantime, my customer service advisor refunded my £150 and informed me that the error occurred whilst attempting a tariff update.

    7. It is not only my IHD that has incorrect rates showing. My electricity meter is also showing the same incorrect rates as the IHD. I presume the gas meter also has the same incorrect rates as the IHD but I don’t want to interrogate it as I want to preserve the battery life.

    8. My Bright and Eon Next apps stopped showing usage data in the early hours of 8 July and nothing has shown since.

    9. @WizzyWigg was having similar problems to me with both tariff rates and apps. When he tried another tariff update request it was successful and at the same time his apps populated with up-to-date usage details.

    10. I emailed hi@eonnext.com again on 19 July asking for a tariff update. This was handled by a different advisor and it too was unsuccessful.

    11. LeeDQ, a member of the forum staff, has now stepped in and is trying to find out what is going on.

    12. Edit on 10 Aug… My smart meters now no longer send readings so I have to manually submit them. You couldn’t make it up.

    13. I have received an email from an Eon Next smart metering specialist asking me to contact customer service to book an engineer visit but I'm reluctant to do that until I know what they intend doing and is it going to fix the issues.

    14. Oh, and my customer complaints were closed before I even received a reply. The one about the tariff update farce has now been re-opened and the issue is being investigated.

    15. Edit on 16 Aug... I have been informed that the loss of communications with the smart meters is highly unlikely to have been caused by the tariff update issue. I have emailed customer service to request an engineer visit.

    16. Edit on 20 Aug... I now know why my customer complaints were closed. Too long to type here but you can read the story here should you wish. Essentially, it was because I had accepted the explanation about the exit fees and problems with tariff updates on my email trail to/from hi@eonnext.com so the complaints to unhappy@eonnext.com were closed without sending me a reply to either. I found that a bit odd but it seems that complaints are dealt with by customer service and don't go straight to a dedicated complaints department for independent scrutiny.

    17. I now have an engineer appointment for 28 September. It's a long way ahead but there you are.

    18. Edit on 30 Aug... Logging into my online account gives me three green ticks (including one for smart meters) on the health check thing and it tells me, 'All's good'. The Citizens Advice Smart Meter Checker tells me my meters are working in smart mode. I'm about four weeks away from my engineer visit and I'm apprehensive. I think my meters and IHD are of a decent type (apart from they apparently don't work 😂) and if new ones (perhaps inferior) get fitted and things still don't work then I'll be miffed.

    19. Edit on 11 Sep... When I log in to my online account I now only get two ticks on the health checker and I'm now told they can't communicate with my smart meter. Something works as it should then.

    20. Edit on 18 Sep... Just noticed that gas and electric usage data has started showing in my Bright app since 9 Sep and in my Eon Next app since 11 Sep. I have today emailed customer service to request another tariff update so let's see what happens 🤞

    21. Edit on 20 Sep… I received a reply to my email yesterday informing me that the update request had been actioned and that the meters and IHD should update at midnight. I had a sneaky peak at the IHD at 25 minutes past midnight and it has finally updated to the correct tariffs. That was easy, wasn’t it? 🤔 My online account still tells me, ''We can't communicate with your smart meter'', when clearly they must be able to in order to update the tariff. Hopefully that will right itself within a few days.

    22. Edit on 21 Sep… I emailed customer service to ask them to try to take some smart readings from my meters. They replied saying they had managed to pull readings from both meters and that they will cancel my engineer appointment. It now seems that at long last my meters are fully functional 👍. Also, when I log in to my online account now, I get three green ticks on the health checker.

    23. The only minor issues now are with two months missing usage data in the Bright and Eon Next apps and the wrong tariff rates showing in the Bright app. I can live with that but will update here if that all rights itself.

    24. Edit on 23 Sep... A bit more progress. The Bright app is now showing the correct tariff rates so just awaiting the missing data gaps to populate and Bright will be hunky dory. I also checked in my online account and my engineer visit notification has now disappeared. Oh, and one more thing... I still don't know if Eon Next will pull monthly reads from my meters without any prompt from me yet. My normal read date was 5th of the month before the meters lost communication so we'll see what happens on 5 October 🤞

    25. Edit on 28 Sep… The engineer turned up. Customer Service didn’t cancel the appointment as promised. He carried out some checks and said everything was ok.

    26. Edit on 7 Oct… My Eon Next app is this morning showing that smart readings were taken and I was charged for gas and electric on 5 Oct. By early afternoon my statement was ready to view. Everything smart meter-wise is now proven to be back to where it should be as far as I can tell.

    The only fly in the ointment is the missing usage data in my Bright and Eon Next apps for the two month period my meters didn't communicate. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the Eon Next app but the data is still missing. I don't think there's an easy fix for this so for now I will consider this long drawn-out episode closed.

    Edit on 24 Mar 24... I switched tariffs again yesterday afternoon and this morning I can see that my IHD has already updated with my new rates without me even having to request the update. Progress😀

    Edit on 8 July 24... Well, after nine or ten months of trouble-free smart metering no reading was pulled from my gas meter on the normal reading day a couple of days ago and I had to submit a manual reading yesterday. It was good while it lasted.

    Edit on 17 Aug 24... Both gas and electric smart readings pulled this month so last month just a glitch.

    Thanks for reading this and following my journey 👍
    Last edited by JoeSoap; 17-08-24 at 08:56.
  • geoffers's Avatar
    Level 33
    @JoeSoap @Ian413

    Apologies for making assumptions, but i was thinking more of explaining to @Ian413 how the meters contain the rate, which is then displayed in the IHD

    For the record I'm in a similar situation with my meter showing just the basic flex rate whilst I'm on the drive tariff which has two separate daytime and nighttime rates. There are registers on the meter capable of storing multiple rates, but only the 1st of these is populated.

    There is also a register on the meter showing the current rate, so presumably the meter should populate the current rate with the value from the variable rate register at the set time, which would mean that the IHD was always being passed correct current rate.

    So my IHD is only capable of calculating and displaying approximate costs, which is why I'm using the bright website to download the kilowatt hour half hourly data, and calculating the costs from the correct rates myself.

    From my various conversations with customer services I have been told
    As with any in-home displays, our app cannot keep up to date with how the new EV Tariff works. This is currently an issue that has been flagged to our EV Team
    The smart meter is sending us half-hourly reads and this is how we bill you based on what time you use your energy.
    The IHD (in-home display) although working fine, will not be able to understand the reduced rate for half-hourly reads, and may not look as it normally would.

    I hope you ( and I ) eventually get some resolution to these problems
    Last edited by geoffers; 07-08-23 at 05:17.
  • Ian413's Avatar
    Level 6

    thanks, I’ll check the actual meters today. One thing I have noted is that I have no usage recorded on my account since 8th July My tariff changed on 23 July so I wonder if this is just a second issue rather than being related to the ihd not showing the correct tariff.
  • WizzyWigg's Avatar
    Level 85
    I think we are starting to realise that one fix does not fit all. We have a schematic understanding on how these apps and devices should work but what we are not taking into account are the multiple variations and permutations. SMETS1, SMETS2, 3G, 4G, location, make of device, firmware, software and so on and so on. Change anyone of those variables without due consideration and the chances are you could generate the butterfly effect. Eventually, some time in the future, standardisation will occur. 👴
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    No apology needed 😀 This thread is hard to keep track of and has many attempts at humour (to keep sane) in between the moans and groans. I’ve been following your posts and reading the info in your helpful links, but I know precious little about dual rate/EV tariffs.

    I too really hope we both get our issues resolved… sooner rather than later 🤞🙏
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    thanks, I’ll check the actual meters today. One thing I have noted is that I have no usage recorded on my account since 8th July My tariff changed on 23 July so I wonder if this is just a second issue rather than being related to the ihd not showing the correct tariff.

    Is your last full day of recorded usage 7th July? If so, and your meters are showing the same incorrect rates as the IHD, it looks as though we have the same problem.
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    Reminds me of The Life of Brian 🤣

    Ok, so apart from SMETS1, SMETS2, 3G, 4G, location, make of device, firmware, software and so on and so on… What have the Romans ever done for us? 🤪
  • Ian413's Avatar
    Level 6
    Is your last full day of recorded usage 7th July? If so, and your meters are showing the same incorrect rates as the IHD, it looks as though we have the same problem.

    yep, looks like the rates are incorrect on the meter.

    The other interesting coincidence is that at this time the mobile mast my phone connects to , which is two fields away, approx 200m, was off air undergoing maintenance. I wonder if this is too much of a coincidence?
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91
    yep, looks like the rates are incorrect on the meter.

    The other interesting coincidence is that at this time the mobile mast my phone connects to , which is two fields away, approx 200m, was off air undergoing maintenance. I wonder if this is too much of a coincidence?

    Thanks for the info. Who knows if the mobile mast is a player in this. It’s baffling me, that’s for sure. 😩

    I’ll also tag LeeDQ_EONNext to alert him to the fact that you seem to have the same issues as me with respect to incorrect tariff rates on your meters and IHD as well as no usage data in the app since around 7/8 July.