Charges and Reverse Account Charges

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  • Lee_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    @JoeSoap There could be a number of reasons for the above, sporadic bills are usually when we apply for a refund when we enter a read or when a read is polled. The unexpected balance could be a lack of reads, a consumption gap, or our personal favorite lost communication.

    Until I see the account I need to try and avoid speculating what it could be because there could be so many reasons why this has happened. When @Jasmin2000 pops me the account details I will see if there is anything I can share publicly that will explain this.

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  • Beki's Avatar
    @JoeSoap I think you're near enough spot on and I/we couldn't have explained it better!

    It's very tricky without seeing the account but generally any reversed charges are to fix billing issues, especially if there was a tariff change that we needed to amend the date for. It can be difficult to understand bills sometimes though and I always get out my calculator and work out what was billed between certain dates and what has been deducted.

    If there are discrepancies then this could be to actual readings being added or perhaps a tariff change. Let one of the team know if we can help further.
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    Any progress on this?
    Last edited by JoeSoap; 04-10-23 at 12:05. Reason: Typo corrected
    I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
  • Jasmin2000's Avatar
    Level 5
    Hi all, thanks again for all of the comments and insights.

    From my own research and multiple new entries in "Your latest transactions", the original 11 "We charged you for electricity" entries corresponding the the 11 "Reverse Account Charges" have now all been retrospectively deleted, a week later. Hence, as @JoeSoap surmised there is no true change in the balance in the account and all of these 22 new entries sum to zero.

    Why this happened and caused consternation and confusion has not been explained despite many emails, calls, and WhatsApp messages to customer services. So this part is over and it was a mess made by E.ON accountancy and customer services, akin to me going into their office and dumping on a few desks.

    So what's left? Overall I am now about £40 down due to the second switcheroo, in which I was charged again for my first three bills, This is not like the above mess and in this case an explanation was given by email:
    "About this bill: It looks as though there was a period (from 23rd January 2023 to 31st March 2023), where we didn't charge you for the energy you used. We've now added these charges to your bill, so your account is completely up to date."

    The thing is I was billed, the bills are available in my online account and were paid and the sum is exactly the same as in the new bill. But unlike the other mess, I haven't had any "Reverse Account Charges", so this looks like a different error. Now I'm going to have to sift through the actual bills to see if I can find the missing £40.
    Last edited by Jasmin2000; 04-10-23 at 22:21.
  • Mailman's Avatar
    Level 61
    Hi all, thanks again for all of the comments and insights.

    From my own research and multiple new entries in "Your latest transactions", the original 11 "We charged you for electricity" entries corresponding the the 11 "Reverse Account Charges" have now all been retrospectively deleted, a week later. Hence, as @JoeSoap surmised there is no true change in the balance in the account and all of these 22 new entries sum to zero.

    Why this happened and caused consternation and confusion has not been explained despite many emails, calls, and WhatsApp messages to customer services. So this part is over and it was a mess made by E.ON accountancy and customer services, akin to me going into their office and dumping on a few desks.

    So what's left? Overall I am now about £40 down due to the second switcheroo, in which I was charged again for my first three bills, This is not like the above mess and in this case an explanation was given by email:
    "About this bill: It looks as though there was a period (from 23rd January 2023 to 31st March 2023), where we didn't charge you for the energy you used. We've now added these charges to your bill, so your account is completely up to date."

    The thing is I was billed, the bills are available in my online account and were paid and the sum is exactly the same as in the new bill. But unlike the other mess, I haven't had any "Reverse Account Charges", so this looks like a different error. Now I'm going to have to sift through the actual bills to see if I can find the missing £40.

    When you go back to the statements (that are downloadable from your online account) pay particular attention to the ones between January and April 2023. Make sure that each one follows on date-wise and meter read wise. If one statement ends on 22nd January and the next one starts 1st April then Eon Next have not billed you for the standing charges between these dates. The other thing to double check are the meter reads are contiguous from one statement to the next i.e. The start read of statement ? = end read of the previous statement.

  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    Thanks for the update. So, it seems the original mess was sorted but the saga continues with that latest spurious bill for Jan-Mar 23. There was some reversed charges for this period in your original screenshots.

    @LeeDQ_EONNext, one of the Community Co-ordinators, has offered to have a look into this for you if you send him your account details by private message. That would certainly be worth a try.

    Progress has been made and I’m sure this can be sorted, but you seem to have been put through unnecessary trouble with all this. It’s a right mess, whatever way one looks at it… and still baffling.
    Last edited by JoeSoap; 05-10-23 at 07:48. Reason: Amended after re-reading previous post by @Jasmin2000
  • Connor_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    @Jasmin2000 i'm glad to see that a cheque has been issued. I'm sorry it took so long to get to this point. It is very strange the daytime number was dead - this should not be happening until 4pm on the Friday. I will try and get to the bottom of this and find out what happened.
    🌳Together we can work to achieve a more sustainable Future 🌳
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91
    @Jasmin2000 i'm glad to see that a cheque has been issued. I'm sorry it took so long to get to this point. It is very strange the daytime number was dead - this should not be happening until 4pm on the Friday. I will try and get to the bottom of this and find out what happened.

    The cheque was stopped, @Connor_EONNext

    You will need to read through the thread to see a lot of water has passed under the bridge on this one.
  • Connor_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    @JoeSoap thank's for this - first day back after being off and there's loads to catch up on. I'll check if @LeeDQ_EONNext has gotten anywhere on his end following his message yesterday
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91
    @JoeSoap thank's for this - first day back after being off and there's loads to catch up on. I'll check if @LeeDQ_EONNext has gotten anywhere on his end following his message yesterday

    No problem. You may have done what I do and get to the bottom of a page and reply to the last post on there thinking there's no other pages.