Have E.ON Next elec. smart meter but E.ON Next won't install gas smart meter. Why?

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  • DebF_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    Morning @GrahamDouglas,

    Sorry I haven't been back in touch sooner. I am still waiting for clarification however I am going to pop you a private message so that I can get some account details from you 😊
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  • GrahamDouglas's Avatar
    Level 7
    Morning @GrahamDouglas,

    Sorry I haven't been back in touch sooner. I am still waiting for clarification however I am going to pop you a private message so that I can get some account details from you 😊

    Hi. It has been a month since I provided the account details. Should I assume you've had no reply, at all, in all that time?

  • despairingcustomer's Avatar
    Level 10
    Raise a complaint on resolver, it'll escalate up the hierarchy...and provides an audit trail.

    Re the accounts - this could make sense IF the account is used to tag the meter readings. I would have expected the readings to get tagged with the MPANs/serial numbers but I don't know the details. At some point the readings need to get allocated to a bill paying account. If you have two of these then maybe the system can't handle that. In effect you've not got a dual fuel account but two separate single fuel accounts. Maybe better to get the meter issue logged and parked as a complaint whilst the two single accounts are sorted out.
    I wonder of SMART meters can handle the situation where you get elec from one supplier and gas from a different one?
  • Boydude's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hi all and thanks for the replies.

    Apologies for any confusion over the 1m distance---that's not why EON refused to install a gas smart meter; I only mentioned that to emphasize how close the supplies are (if it is relevant re communication/signals).

    One "reason" given to us (so far as I can understand it...) is due to the way our accounts were transferred from NPOWER---when EON took them over. Apparently, because our gas and electricity are on "different accounts" the smart meter cannot communicate both data sets (gas and electricity) to EON (that seems bizarre, to me).

    Both our energy accounts are accessible via the online web account, both for the same address and both under the same name---as they've been for many years.

    I had one call where someone said "merging" the accounts could fix it and they'd look into it. But, shock + surprise..., they never did call back. So, we're stuck with no gas smart meter.


    apologies for digging this up. What was the latest with this, did you get with this… I’ve had the same issue and been about 2 1/2 years but what I been why I cannot have one contradicts yours.

    This is the response I got:

    The system will not allow us to book an appointment for just the gas as it's a dual fuel account and the electricity smart meter is directly linked to the gas and both meters need to scheme together to connect successfully. We cannot do this if it's just one meter being installed.”