HAN Issue

  • AndyH's Avatar
    Level 6
    Hi @JoeSoap

    Thanks again for your input, it is really appreciated.

    This issue has already been through the complaints process and to the ombudsman a number of months ago. They made a judgement that E.on should compensate me for the poor service and take the next steps in order to connect the meter to my device. The exact text of the ruling was:

    "To fix this issue moving forward, I will ask that EON Next take steps to attempt to update your smart meter system.

    If for any reason these steps fail, as EON Next has already reported this issue to the DCC, it would have taken the steps required to connect your meter to your device.

    You ask that EON Next repair or replace your meter/IHD however as your meter is communicating with EON Next, this indicates that the meter and communications hub is in working order and not in need of any replacement. The only issue is with the IHD which EON Next are not able to replace as it did not install the metering system."

    However, to this date I have had no communication or seen no evidence that E.ON have made any attempt to resolve the issues with the smart meter/HAN and the IHD. I thought this the best place to attempt to get support as the people here generally seem a helpful and knowledgeable bunch. At the time of the complaint I was categorically told by E.ON that they could/would not send an engineer out, however it's disappointing to see that other customers in the same scenario are receiving engineer visits and having their issues resolved. As the company who installed the meter (Symbio) no longer exist, it is impossible for me to go to them for support. Additionally this fault began following the switch from Symbio to E.ON at which point the meter was well under the 12months warranty period. It was E.ONs lack of response to my initial complaint, delay tactics and lack of action that pushed the meter/hub/IHD over the 12 month period.
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    Perhaps you could try the offer of the IVIE Bud. I know this may/probably not fix the issue but at least you will have followed their suggestion and will have a free IVIE Bud that may be useful one day. That may then mean they are then out of any ideas but to finally send an engineer to investigate. It's all I can think of, I'm afraid
    I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
  • AndyH's Avatar
    Level 6
    @JoeSoap I have eventually got round to ordering one (life gets in the way) so hopefully that will arrive early next week and I'll know for sure, however the pessimist in me feels that it's not going to work as I don't believe my Meter is accepting any connections.
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    I think everything is worth a try. Please keep us informed of progress, good or bad. If all we can give here is moral support, at least it’s something.
  • Anasa_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Morning @AndyH Anasa here 👋 I'm so sorry to hear that you're going around in circles with your IHD issue. 😢If there is indeed an issue with HAN it's not always as simple as just sending an engineer out. I can't see your account details so not able to check what's happened so far but judging by what you've said you have been in touch and you've been to the Ombudsman which tells me that there wasn't anything we could do fix this any faster for you and should have had an explanation as to why.

    I can see from your earlier post that the Ombudsman advised you to come back to us to do what we can to get this fixed. We're currently working on a lot of issues like your own and it is taking a lot longer than we'd like but your information has been passed to our Smart team to get a fix for you.

    We sadly don't have a time scale.

    When you last spoke with us what where you advised? Is there a complaint still open on your account and has someone agreed to keep in touch with you until this is resolved?
    Last edited by Anasa_EONNext; 27-07-23 at 09:12.
    'The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members’

    Did you know that we're open 24/7 across our Social Media Channels? There are lots of ways to contact us over here!📣

  • AndyH's Avatar
    Level 6
    Hi Anasa,

    The resolution from the Ombudsman is that E.ON would ' attempt to update your smart meter system' and resolve the issue. Compensate me for poor service (you sat on the complaint for approx 8months before action) and credit me for the purchase of an Ivie Bud CAD. I've now purchased the CAD, however I have reservations whether this will work, I am awaiting the dispatch/delivery of this device and will update you on receipt. However I would like the IHD to work as I assume this is still your property (transferred from Symbio when they went bust) and is effectively now under your support.
    Last edited by Anasa_EONNext; 27-07-23 at 09:16.
  • Anasa_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Thanks for getting back so fast @AndyH

    I've had a look for you... It looks like it is all in hand. You mentioned compensation for poor service and credit for an Ivie Bud and I can see that this has been done for you. And I can see that all your details have been passed to the Smart team and it is just a case of waiting for your original IHD to work.

    I can see that you agreed for the complaint to be close as made no sense to keep it open, if you wanted to re open your complaint any time please let us know although it won't speed up what needs to be done on your account.

    I would say if you could get in touch again in the next 4 weeks for an update or if you prefer I can give you a quick update - whichever is easier for you.
    Last edited by Anasa_EONNext; 27-07-23 at 09:24.
  • AndyH's Avatar
    Level 6
    Thanks Anasa, the compensation and credit was all sorted and applied months back, possibly even a year ago. I'm just chasing this as the IHD is still no closer to working than when the complaint was first rasied following the switch from Symbio to yourselves.
  • AndyH's Avatar
    Level 6
    Hi @LeeDQ_EONNext I had confirmation of your reply, but can't see it above.

    In answer to your question I received the apology letter and the compensation from the ombudsman team, but no one has been in touch to try and actively resolve the comlpaint. Since the judgement (in November 22) no one has been in touch to try and resolve the metering/IHD issue.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91

    I applaud your perseverance on this matter. The vast majority of people would have given up by now. I think you will have to approach the ombudsman again.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.