Congratulations, the first step of registering in our amazing community is now completed! You are officially a member !
Now while you visit your profile, you can choose an avatar or edit it based on your likes. The steps are super simple :
Click on account and you will be redirect it to your profile
On the left side you have ‘My settings’ click on Edit Avatar and you will come up with the following picture.
Once you have chosen your avatar or edit it, click on Save Changes and it’s all done for you.
When uploading new avatars, please make sure that the images are at least 160px by 160px (width and height) in order to not get distorted. If you uploaded your avatar a while ago, it might be a good idea to upload it again to get a clear image. 😊
Last edited by Beki; 12-04-22 at 17:08.
Reason: Add dimensions info
I'm not very IT savvy so need these tutorials in order to find out how to do things. Furthermore, I need simple baby-step instructions from start to finish so I can refer to them until whatever process I'm learning becomes second nature.
Using the above instructions helped but I was unsure where to get an avatar from and what copyright limitations there were, so I decided to create my own.
It took me ages to get it right and it's not perfect but I was pleased with what I achieved... given my Luddite nature.
So how did I do it?
1. I took a photo with my iphone, so easy enough...or so I thought. But later, when uploading to this site, my image was 90 degrees out and no amount of re-taking the photo or rotating the image did any good. Turns out my first mistake was holding my phone in a portrait fashion when I needed it in landscape. So, if you want to follow my method then take your photo with your phone in landscape.
2. From my phone's photo library, I forwarded the photo to my email address. I had to select a photo size before it would send and after some trial and error selected 'small'. I've really no idea what size was best.
3. I then accessed the email on my PC and from the 'attachment' choices, selected 'Download'.
4. I then opened 'Downloads' using the menu accessed from the three vertical dots at the top right corner of my screen and opened my photo.
5. I then selected 'save as', gave it a new file name and saved it to my PC.
6. I was then able to follow the original instructions to choose my new file in Option 2.
7. Clicked 'Save Changes' and hey presto... Avatar!!! The right way up eventually 😂
The IT savvy amongst you may find my laborious method hilarious (actually, I do too) but it worked for me so hopefully might help others who are 'a bit unsure'.
Right... now to tackle Hyperlinks 🤔
I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
On your PC @JoeSoap you should have software called Paint. It's a bit basic but you can use it to rotate images and crop them etc, it's a bit easier than trying to take the perfect photo.
Size doesn't matter if you're using it for an avatar or such like, the general rule is the larger you want to view a photo then the more detail it needs to have therefore it's better to use the larger file sizes.
You can edit, rotate and crop photos on your phone but I find it a bit of a faff, old eyes, small screen, sausage fingers etc.
If I pluck up the courage I'll have a go. I tried rotating the image in downloads and it rotated. Once I posted it to my avatar it was 90 degrees out again.
I recently created an avatar. I soon edited it to another avatar which is currently showing next to my name on this post.
The funny thing is, when I look down the list of topics, for instance in 'Getting Started', there are avatars of contributors to the threads and it is my original avatar that shows up on there.
How do I change that?
I hope my question made sense.
To answer my own question, I think I might need to delete my avatar completely and then start from scratch with my latest one as opposed to editing to change from one to another. Does that sound right?
Last edited by JoeSoap; 07-09-22 at 21:11.
Reason: Added last paragraph
Morning, its nice to see you have had a play around with our tech things!
I can't say I do know what you mean 🤔 - so what I see when I look at your profile is a object that says Joe on it - is this not right? Should there be something else?
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Firstly, thank you for your prompt reply to this urgent matter 😂
If you look at this page then, if you see what I do, my avatars that appear on the topics I've contributed to are my original one with the white object - can you guess what it is yet? - with no name on.
Maybe it's my PC as even on the Hyperlink topic that I created my main avatar is my old one whilst on my phone the main avatar on that topic is my new one whilst the small (contributor) avatar is the old one.
And if all that doesn't confuse you...
Anyway, not a big issue so please don't spend valuable time on it. I'll work it out.
I recently created an avatar. I soon edited it to another avatar which is currently showing next to my name on this post.
The funny thing is, when I look down the list of topics, for instance in 'Getting Started', there are avatars of contributors to the threads and it is my original avatar that shows up on there.
How do I change that?
I hope my question made sense.
To answer my own question, I think I might need to delete my avatar completely and then start from scratch with my latest one as opposed to editing to change from one to another. Does that sound right?
I see what you mean @JoeSoap. I think it's a quirk of the system and I think if you did delete your avatar I don't think it'll change your picture shown as a contributor to each thread. It looks like whatever avatar you have at any point in time is used to show you as a contributor when you first post to that thread and it's then frozen in time.
Oh no its not - you're the up-and-coming silver surfer, a forum leading light, passing on your accumulated wisdom like regaling us with energy saving tips such as your underpants wearing regime earlier this week.🤣
Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and think the smart meter programme is a waste of our money. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
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