Electric smart meter not transmitting or talking to IHD

  • BigmacTom's Avatar
    Level 1
    Good morning all,

    I have noticed that for the last week or so my IHD has not been communicating with my electricity meter (gas is communicating fine) and shows no information about it, nor is my electric meter transmitting my readings to my online account.

    Is this possibly the SIM inside the electric meter is failing and not transmitting or perhaps the unit is faulty?

    Is this something that can be rectified personally, or would i need to book an engineer to come and diagnose?
  • 8 Replies

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    theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    Best Answer
    No worries.

    For SMETS2, there is no SIM Card in either meter - both meters actually communicate with the Comms Hub that lives above the electric meter and that Comms Hub does the rest, including communicating with your supplier via DCC. This is similar to SMETS1 but more powerful and arguably more reliable in general.
    @BigmacTom I'd say your electric meter has either temporarily lost connection, or has completely dropped off the Home Area Network. This would need further investigation and is sadly beyond what I'm capable of doing here. I'll ask @PeterT_EONNext to see if he can flag this up for you.
    @gadget2001 I'll be brutally honest about this... You have the worlds worst In-Home Display ever, the IHDL SmartView 2. This issue will just be the start of many others you WILL encounter with it. You may want to consider getting a more reliable one and chuck that existing one in the recycling bin - most electronics retailers would be happy to recycle it for you, but make sure to call E.On first to have it unpaired from your site. As for replacements, I'd recommend either the ivie Bud or Hildebrand Glow - make sure to get the SMETS2 variant if you go for the latter.

    As for your issue right now, I can try to diagnose that for you. Please show me photos of your meters, similar to how @BigmacTom did his. I especially need to know what kind of Comms Hub you have so that I can run through the right type of diagnostics.
    Just another guy passing by... The unknown tech way...
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  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    Howdy @BigmacTom ,

    I'm theunknowntech, an expert forum volunteer here. I think I can help to diagnose this one, but I'll need to see photos of your meters and IHD first please. Could you post them for me?

    Once I've seen those, I'll see what I can suggest.
  • BigmacTom's Avatar
    Level 1
    Morning @theunknowntech

    I've attached photos of the electric meter and the ISD. Hopefully they are ones you have seen before.

    The meter is still ticking over the rate correctly and displays on the screen as it should, but it is not transmitting the values to Eon, nor is it registering on the IHD.

    I have tried rebooting the IHD with it next to both meters, but only the gas meter is connecting with it.

    Much appreciated for any help you can advise.
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  • gadget2001's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hi @theunknowntech, I also have a problem with the communication from my Smart Meter to my Smartview2 display. The meters were installed yesterday by a less than helpful installer and the electricity is displaying correctly but the gas is clearly not. Any advice what to do to get it working would be greatly received. TIA
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  • gadget2001's Avatar
    Level 1
    @theunknowntech Thanks for the info on the display, thought it looked shocking so will look at the alternatives you have suggested. Here are pics of the meters.
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  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    Ahh... You're in the Northern Territory and that particular Comms Hub will tell me almost nothing useful. It's an EDMI Standard 420 and the only status lights are for the WAN connection to the Arqiva WAN (via Long Range Radio) and the HAN to your meters and IHD.

    My first guess is that your gas meter is still being commissioned and might not be ready to start talking yet. It can take up to six weeks for them to do so, and during this time I wouldn't recommend buying another IHD juuuuust yet as it won't be possible to pair. Please allow a few weeks for commissioning to complete first, but by all means feel free to take a look at both the IHDs I recommended and decide between them as to which one you'd like. You can also get both if you want to, as there's enough capacity on the HAN for up to four IHDs at once.
  • gadget2001's Avatar
    Level 1
    @theunknowntech. Thanks for that info, the installer never mentioned about any time it may take for commissioning! So I’ll just ignore the fact that the IHD said that we used over £1000 worth of gas yesterday, even though we used none.
  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    Yup, that'll be demo data which can be completely ignored. It should go away once the gas meter gets commissioned properly. You'll probably still want an alternative IHD though once everything is up and running. :)

    Anyway, I'll be here if you need me. I can't access your account, but I often don't need to.