My smart meter woes continue since moving over to Next.
So around 1am this morning I woke up to a loud buzzing noise coming from my utilities cupboard.
The only active meter in there is the smart meter installed by Eon which I could hear and feel vibrating.
This noise and vibration continued until 7am this morning when I moved back over to the day rate as I'm on economy 7. One thing I did notice is I didn't get the usual bang from noise from the meter when the tarrif changes back over to the day rate which makes believe the noise has something to do with being moved over onto the night rate (as of 8am the buzzing hasn't started again)
Is there an emergency number for regular meters as I tried the emergency number on the website but they wouldn't listen as it's not a prepaid meter and I don't feel it's safe to leave the meter in its current state especially received a message from my neighbor asking what the noise is as they also couldn't sleep.
@theunknowntech you're definitely right there. @TBG01 Anything that disturbs sleep - especially if it's that loud to be affecting your neighbours (!) should be called in to the 'routine' emergency team - basically a 9-5 appt that day. They won't come out after hours though unless you are completely off supply.
Please let us know what the engineer says that it is and what the result of the appointment is. Of course, if the buzzy noise comes back, please get in touch. 😊
That sound is NOT something you should be expected to put up with and I'm not satisfied that your existing meter is safe to continue using. Even if it's not a safety issue, if the buzzing is annoying or irritating, you can qualify for a free meter exchange anyway on the basis an electric meter should be totally silent at all times.
I'm also concerned that there's a loose connection or a dodgy connection inside the meter, so I strongly recommend against touching or going near the meter again until this has been resolved.
I'll flag this up as a priority with @Beki_EONNext and @HannahD_EONNext , since this definitely is worth getting resolved. Are you OK to hang in there for a few hours while I summon them?
Last edited by theunknowntech; 04-03-22 at 10:19.
Just another guy passing by... The unknown tech way...
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That sound is NOT something you should be expected to put up with and I'm not satisfied that your existing meter is safe to continue using. Even if it's not a safety issue, if the buzzing is annoying or irritating, you can qualify for a free meter exchange anyway on the basis an electric meter should be totally silent at all times.
I'm also concerned that there's a loose connection or a dodgy connection inside the meter, so I strongly recommend against touching or going near the meter again until this has been resolved.
I'll flag this up as a priority with @Beki_EONNext and @HannahD_EONNext , since this definitely is worth getting resolved. Are you OK to hang in there for a few hours while I summon them?
I managed to get through to Eon Next over the phone yesterday who told me the noise (that could be heard throughout my flat) was completely normal, which it obviously isn't.
Some back and fourth over the phone and they've eventually agreed to send someone out to look at it on the 16th.
Some quick Googling suggests it's the Eon fitted contactor that might be the issue.
That would probably explain the issue. But ultimately, faulty or otherwise - if the buzzing is disruptive then it needs to be fixed. Could you show me some photos of your setup please? I'm curious as to how it's all wired up.
I might only be a forum volunteer, but I'm backed up with the experience of my friend Blastoise186 and he's been a forum volunteer elsewhere for a lot longer than me. If I was to ask him about this, I know he'd give you the same advice I have. :)
That would probably explain the issue. But ultimately, faulty or otherwise - if the buzzing is disruptive then it needs to be fixed. Could you show me some photos of your setup please? I'm curious as to how it's all wired up.
I might only be a forum volunteer, but I'm backed up with the experience of my friend Blastoise186 and he's been a forum volunteer elsewhere for a lot longer than me. If I was to ask him about this, I know he'd give you the same advice I have. :)
Funnily enough there was no noise last night and I heard the usual "clunk" noise the contactor makes when it turns on/off.
I did however remove the fuse for the storage heaters so I'm not sure if the noise not happening is related to that or purely coincidental
Well, there's your problem. I should have guessed the legacy E.On would have been too pushy about Smart Meters to even wait for a Five-Terminal SMETS1 Smart Meter like the Secure Liberty 112 to be released, and instead just use a Four-Terminal Secure Liberty 100 with an external contactor for E7 purposes... You're not alone with that one.
Still, my advice stands solid anyway. A little bit of buzzing that you can only hear if you're right next to the meter is of course, totally normal and expected. Super loud buzzing that wakes up you and your neighbour is a different story and comes under the category of things that should be fixed despite not strictly being a "fault".
We’re having this same issue! Got home tonight and the noise is ridiculous! I’ve been hearing a buzzing overnight with the windows open for a few weeks (but haven’t heard it during the day - only the evening); we’re at the back of the house and the meter is at the front, so no way should we be able to hear it from there! Tonight, I heard what was making it - our meter.
Which number is best to call someone to get it seen to quickly?
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