Exit fees

  • Yousef's Avatar
    Level 1
    Good Afternoon,
    My Eon Next fixed energy contract ends on 1st April 2025. Can I switch to another supplier before this date ie is there an exit fee for changing suppliers before 1st April 2025.
    Eon are closed currently so can't ask directly.

    Thank You
  • 1 Reply

  • Best Answer

    meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92
    Best Answer

    It might depend on the terms and condition of the deal when you signed up for it. but normally exit charges are not levied on switching to another Eon Next product - i.e. not going to a different supplier. Also you're allowed to switch suppliers within 49 days of you contract ending. So no exit fees for you!!!
    @doverboy provided this in another thread:-

    Electricity licences and conditions

    Supply Licence ==> Electricity Supply Standard Licence Conditions

    The Electricity Act 1989 - Standard Conditions of Electricity Supply Licence

    page 193
    Condition 24 Termination of Domestic Supply Contracts
    page 197 paragraph 24.17 Definition for condition

    24.17 For the purposes of this condition “Switching Window” means the period which begins when the Domestic Statement of Renewal Terms is provided to the Domestic Customer, or 49 days before the date the fixed term period of a Fixed Term Supply Contract is due to end (whichever is earlier) and which ends on the date the fixed term period of a Fixed Term Supply Contract is due to end.

    and is confirmed by

    Electricity Supply SLC amendments

    page 5
    SLC 31I Contract changes information (notifications of price increases, disadvantageous unilateral variations and end of fixed term contracts)

    Detailed rules that will still be in the licence

    The switching window – a period before the end of a fixed-term contract when consumers have the right to switch without incurring exit fees (SLC 24.17) – starts from either 49 days before the end of a fixed term contract, or when a supplier sends the statement of renewal terms, whichever is earlier.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and think the smart meter programme is a waste of our money. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.