After a very traumatic experience at British Gas I have moved to EON.
Reading the threads on the Community....... I really don't feel any Better....
Someone please explain to me, I joined EON Next to use Drive, as we know we need to go on to a Variable Tariff before we are switched to Next Drive.
Well that didn't happen and I had to call EON, so on the web portal not that app it says switching..... thanks to the help from the call center. They took a smart meter reading while I was on the phone. Perfect I can switch.
So 8 days have passed Web Page says Variable Tarif still and switching. Can take 14 days but no upper limit given. I was told....
Called again I was told don't worry I understand that an EV uses stagging amount of electric and you will run up a big bill really quickly.
While you are switching will "can" back date the bills to the date the switch started.
Is this true? can and will eon do this, Drive is TOU Tariff and needs 2 Rates in the meter, I can read the meter and there is not 2 rates in my meter.
So back to the Question
I have a Solar PV and Battery system + EV, all my energy is used 12:00 to 7am when the car charges and the battery charges.
Will the bill really be back dated. I have been walking to work and sitting the dark.
Has this happened to anyone else? Back Dated really!
@Gunnie47 - forgot to mention, you can download the Bright app and view up to 13 months of ½ hour readings taken directly from your meter (via the DCC) - you can also enter your tariff rates and timings into Bright to show your costs.
You can also download the actual ½ hourly usage data from their parent website in CSV format, to load into a spreadsheet.
This is the actual data which E.On will use for billing purposes
...Drive is TOU Tariff and needs 2 Rates in the meter, I can read the meter and there is not 2 rates in my meter.
@Gunnie47 - Sorry to hear your problems. I can only comment on my experience, but I moved from BG to E.On to get onto the EV tariff last year. Did it all via email, and was initially put on a variable tariff while they prepared my quotation which I accepted, and was put on to the drive tariff within couple of days.
I'm aware that there are some drive tariffs which are called Drive 2R which apparently do use a two rate meter (if you were already on economy 7 - E7 - I think)
However if you're not on the 2R tariff don't worry - E.On take your ½ hourly readings from the meter to calculate your usage for billing. The rate shown on the meter is purely to display your approximate usage costs on your IHD, and is irrelevant in terms of the way they calculate your bills
My meter's only a single rate display so I just ignore the IHD costs 👍
@geoffers Tried to install the Bright app, struggling to get a meter number on the odd text system they use what is the format to the GUID etc so i can link my meter.
Called EON Again..... Waiting since the 25th Sept for a Next Drive. Been given all sort of rubbish. Now been told I need to wait another 15days to move to Next Drive,
Is the a product they want to provide. I moved from a chaeper tariff to this Next Drive thing and so far I have been totally over by these people.
Last edited by DebF_EONNext; 18-10-24 at 17:58.
Reason: Community values - swearing
@geoffers Tried to install the Bright app, struggling to get a meter number on the odd text system they use what is the format to the GUID etc so i can link my meter.
It is a 13 character number (5+8) which you can pick up from your meter display or from the IHD as the MPAN (also on your bill as your supply number - the number on the bottom row)
It's a long time since I registered but there's a "wizard" which steps you through entering values, then they're displayed in the settings for Bright
(Bright also displays a 16 character hexadecimal string for the meters sourced from the DCC, so not sure what this is but presumably the DCC's own GUID for the meter)
@Gunnie47 - also found this... I can't remember if it was required as a unique passcode, but it suggests that the IHD's unique GUID is needed for setup (this can be displayed from the IHD's settings or is printed on the label underneath)
The IHD's GUID will have been registered with the meter (since it only allows this IHD to communicate with it) so presumably this validates that you are the genuine owner of the meters being added to Bright
Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons.
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