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Hello friends and welcome to the E.ON Next Community forum! This is a space for you to share your knowledge and get advice from each other; whether that's energy and energy solutions, cost saving tips or just fancy a chat. You'll find inspiration and support, you might even make a new friend or two along the way.
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  1. Welcome, News & Updates

    Come and meet the Community team as well as other members! Keep an eye on this board for the latest announcements on what's happening at E.ON Next!
  2. Sustainable Future

    Come and share changes we can make, options we have and green solutions and together we can build a picture of what a sustainable, no carbon future looks like.
  3. Help & Support

    Have a problem? Post here and a community member will be happy to help you.
  4. Get Involved

    A space for you to give us your feedback, start a conversation and for Community Comrades.
  • Solar Panels
    Thank you so much for sharing these great tips @wizzo227! You really know your stuff ๐Ÿ˜Ž see more
  • Worried
    I agree with @meldrewreborn, @MrsW ... I am an older person and I pay by Variable Direct Debit, I wouldn't do it any other way. I get the best prices... see more
  • A great big E.ON Next community welcome!
    Good Morning! How is everyone today? Let's give a warm welcome to our newest members @Bettisfield @Charlesrose @Alison1966 @KevinHunter... see more
  • NEW Next drive fixed V6 is now live!
    The sign up process is ambiguous, on the one hand it says you can either have battery storage or an EV, but once clicked through it says you must... see more
  • Radio TeleSwitch Off
    That is a question I am hoping to answer over the next few days. At least one neighbour has two EVs. There is also the possibility of a mesh network... see more
  • Radio TeleSwitch Off
    @Johnn635 โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹Only one way to find out - there will be a solution, how acceptable that is to you is very debateable. By the way do any... see more
  • Worried
    @MrsW I would strongly recommend that you pay by variable Direct Debit instead of by cash at the post office. There are two types of Direct... see more
  • NEW Next drive fixed V6 is now live!
    @HelenaP_EONNext am I able to sign up to EV tariff without an EV car, as the EV tariff is cheaper than Economy 7 see more
  • Radio TeleSwitch Off
    I spoke again and further explained the situation.It appears there is no mechanism for an engineer to assess the situation. It seems only by booking... see more
  • Trouble signing up to Next Drive Tariff
    Hello @vishaldo ๐Ÿ‘‹ I appreciate this was posted a while ago, I'm just checking in to see if this was resolved for you? see more
  • A great big E.ON Next community welcome!
    Good Morning everyone and Happy Valentines ๐Ÿ˜ We have some lovely new members to welcome today, big hello to @FlorLoving @MrsW @JanineGregory... see more
  • App showing new then old usage graphs
    @geoffers Me too with both. Not fazed. The app reliant members might be more concerned ๐Ÿ˜‰. see more
  • App showing new then old usage graphs
    I get odd the days' data missing on Bright as well as EOn app, so reckon it's probably meter/DCC related rather than app related see more
  • App showing new then old usage graphs
    Just checked new graph back, sort of, a couple of days data missing that were there before the hiccup. I didn't bother with cache cleaning etc. I... see more
  • Worried About Energy Costs? We're Here to Help
    Hello Again! Worried About Energy Costs? We're Here to Help. Last week, we shared support options for those struggling with affordability. ... see more
  • Billed for another property!
    @meldrewreborn Sorry, I hadn't seen your latest comment when I posted a short time ago after speaking to Eon. Once I get all the relevant photos I... see more
  • Billed for another property!
    @Andy65 I spoke to a very nice chap at Eon just now, who understood what I was talking about! Not the first time he's heard of it. It can be... see more
  • Worried
    @MrsW - are you using a phone (or PC) for this message? โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹ If you're a phone user, you can open the online bill on the phone then the post... see more
  • App showing new then old usage graphs
    Weird that it works for a while, then doesn't ๐Ÿฅด Don't think that points to our "tariff type" theory, since if the app hasn't changed in the... see more
  • Billed for another property!
    @JennyTP thinking about this there.are two solutions. If the meters stay allocated as they are now, the wiring to the respective flats could be... see more
  • Billed for another property!
    โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹Great thanks! see more
  • Economy 10 - Smart Meter
    Hi @piercedrose ๐Ÿ‘‹, Welcome to the Community! Thank you for sharing your journey to switching your meters to smart and I'm glad to hear that... see more
  • NEW Next drive fixed V6 is now live!
    @HelenaP_EONNext, I am a newbie 1st post, I have been looking at the various posts on this tariff and solar storage. Can I please clarify, I do need... see more
  • App showing new then old usage graphs
    Version 1.12.4862 started off ok but now has reverted to the old graphic usage display two days behind ๐Ÿ™„. Hey ho ๐Ÿ˜‰. see more