ECO4 Scheme - Meet Joan and Alex

  • Han_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    We've teamed up with the lovely sustainability team here at E.ON Next to understand the ECO4 Scheme better. So, lets talk about it 🎤📣

    What is the ECO4 Scheme?

    The Energy Company Obligation (ECO4 Scheme) is a government energy-efficiency scheme in Great Britain, designed to tackle fuel poverty and help reduce carbon emissions. ECO is a legal obligation placed on energy companies that ensures more energy efficient measures reach domestic properties (OFGEM). The solutions E.ON are offering are: cavity wall insulation, external wall insulation, smart thermostats and loft insulation. Remember ECO4 is a scheme, and not a grant, so you are able to reach out to other suppliers.

    The focus of the scheme is around improving the least energy efficient homes, and those who tend to fall into fuel poverty. Only homes that fall into band D-G can be treated (the minimum requirement is that homes D or C need to be improved to a bad C and F and G homes will need to hit band D.

    I think I can benefit from ECO4?

    Great! Fist of all, you have either own the home yourself, or have the permission from your landlord. (Landlords can apply for the scheme on behalf of their tenants too). Before you apply to the scheme, it's a good idea to get an idea of the eligibility - the scheme requires you to living in social housing with poor energy efficiency, or be in receipt of the following benefits:

    1) Income based Jobseekers Allowance (JSA),
    2) Income related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA),
    3) Income Support (IS),
    4) Pension Credit Guarantee Credit (PCGC),
    5) Working Tax Credit (WTC),
    6) Child Tax Credit (CTC),
    7) Universal Credit (UC),
    8) Housing Benefit,
    9) Pension Credit Savings Credit (PCSC),
    10) Child Benefit

    (There is also a The ECO4 Flex, this is when suppliers of those that live in Scotland or Wales will reach out to customers eligible).

    That's great - but who are Joan and Alex?

    We're so excited for this one... Joan and Alex are both residents that live in Belmont retirement housing, based in East Sussex. Facing energy bills 4x higher than previous, Belmont relied on the ECO4 Scheme to tackle that issue. With the help of the scheme, mass solar was able to be installed at the building. Check out to see how they got on.

    Joan's experience

    Alex's experience

    To apply for the scheme or find out more, head to the ➡ECO4 Energy Scheme
    Last edited by Anasa_EONNext; 01-05-24 at 13:39.
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