Mine's got a 15kWh battery so I don't need a dedicated charge point: running from a 13amp plug at 2kW (= 8 amps, equivalent to a 2 bar electric fire)
So the 7hrs of off peak electricity gives me a full charge if I've run it down to near zero : perfik😁
True but they don't go very far on electric either. A hybrid is a sensible compromise towards reducing emissions but not at the cost new that they are. Personally speaking I wouldn't allow hybrids to be eligible for EV tariffs, no offence @geoffers 😉, but hybrids were incentivised by the Government in terms of BIK in order to make electric sales a lot better than they would have been. Most fleet operators will be driving on all petrol/diesel but with zero or little BIK. I think the BIK rates for hybrids have increased a bit recently but not by that much.
True but they don't go very far on electric either. A hybrid is a sensible compromise towards reducing emissions but not at the cost new that they are. ....hybrids were incentivised by the Government in terms of BIK in order to make electric sales a lot better than they would have been.
I totally agree with your "hybrid is a sensible compromise towards reducing emissions" statement, and actually consider that hybrids are the only viable element of EV implementation, with the view that "low emission"not "zero emission" should be the target.
The green/government push towards EVs and nothing else just ain't gonna work. Apart from the lack of the grid's capability for handling demand: Just looking at the number of cars in every street in the city, parked on either side of every suburban road with no access to a charging point - how are they ever going to manage to go electric?
A lot of major manufacturers are now seriously reviewing their move towards EV manufacture. Have a look at this "Harry's Motors" vid where he goes into this in detail (focusing on higher value EVs, but very valid for all)
my hybrid delivers 55 MPG but isn’t a plug in hybrid, so the only charging would be of its small 12v battery, not the drive battery.
its nearly 8 years old now, and has given me zero VED all that time. I’m happy with it, although in strict financial terms it’s still costly because of servicing and insurance. Convenience is why I still run a car at all.
Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and think the smart meter programme is a waste of our money. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
my hybrid delivers 55 MPG but isn’t a plug in hybrid, so the only charging would be of its small 12v battery, not the drive battery.
its nearly 8 years old now, and has given me zero VED all that time. I’m happy with it, although in strict financial terms it’s still costly because of servicing and insurance. Convenience is why I still run a car at all.
Wow. 8 years old.......you were an early adopter then......and reaped the financial benefits accordingly.
Just got a bill initiated and using my manual method I'm finding Eon are £6 more expensive that wot I calculated.
I can live with that as it was a "messy" 37 days.
I'll keep checking the usage on the app, transferring it to my excel spreadsheet, and keep an eye on it all.
I may retry the Bright data macros and see if I can get them to work.
Finding that my Kia Sportage PHEV costs about £0.95 to fully charge from empty overnight at the cheap rate.
Gets us about 35 miles on a full battery so happy with that.
Overall the average mpg over all journeys is currently 65mpg. We have done a good few longish trips.
As it's a 3 pin charger I'm thinking of slinging an extension lead out of the hotel window, where we are staying, and charging the car. :-)
I may retry the Bright data macros and see if I can get them to work.
They work fine - takes couple of seconds of your time to run 'em😁 (written to process just a single month's bill)
I've just done an improved version which I'll upload here: (rename it from .doc back to .bas)
No need to edit the CSV first - you can now read the whole historical glowmarkt csv file into excel and rename as an xlsx:
the buildPiv macro now starts with an input box to enter the "yyyy-mm" of the month you want to process
the macro deletes the preceding and subsequent rows for you.
the actual day of the month is hard-coded, so you'll need to edit the 2 relevant lines with your start day (I've commented them so easy to find)
NB make sure the sheet-name <tab> is edited before running (remove "electricity" so it just says "consumption" not "electricity consumption" to prevent a name-too-long error)
It also gives approximate costs if you run it against the gas usage csv - NB make sure the 1st 3 characters of the sheet-name <tab> are 'gas'
As it's a 3 pin charger I'm thinking of slinging an extension lead out of the hotel window, where we are staying, and charging the car. :-)
Just be aware that extension leads have to be fully uncoiled to charge at the required current. There's normally a label saying how many watts coiled and uncoiled.
One of mine is rated at only 720W when coiled, but 2.4kW if uncoiled, so if charging takes ~2kW so it would probably catch fire if used coiled!!!
Wow. 8 years old.......you were an early adopter then......and reaped the financial benefits accordingly.
If the car was bought in March 2017 it was zero VED, not so from April 2017. The car has performed well. Only real problem is the scumbags who stole the cat from underneath a few years ago. While insurance covered the replacement parts and labour, the premium go up as a result. In fact I'm frightened to sneeze when thinking a bout the car in case the insurers use that as an excuse to push them up further.
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