Hi, I'm seeking some help whether this is an RTS or non RTS meter.
I think I have a non RTS meter as I think that's what the Eon engineer said when I had it fitted to replace the RTS one in October 2024 when it went faulty but there was a lot going at that time (yes it was a bit of a battle, wife has various medical conditions, the first Eon engineer just took one look at the set up and said it needed someone more experienced, luckily after chasing Eon I got someone more experienced).
Why do I think its not an RTS meter. (1) It doesn't have all the RTS box with it as you can see form the pictures, (2) it has its own internal clock as you can see from the pictures, (3) it switches at 10 past the hour by its clock which is actually 30 minutes past the hour in real time, when I had an RTS meter it switched on the hour (that's the whole point isn't it as it links to the RTS signal!).
I know many will think why not get the meter changed to a smart one. Many reasons for this and I'll tell you if you want to know.
Anyway any advice gratefully received :)