Charging double the DD agreement

  • guywithquestions's Avatar
    Level 5
    @meldrewrebornThanks and yes we thought it was close to done in fact 3 more payments would have been over and finally free of eon and the leftovers of npower that mishandled our original account startup in 2016 which led to the debt in the first place. I am drafting a formal complaint where i will demand the money returned and demand the rest of the bill be squashed because clearly they cannot be trusted to handle my financial and personal data correctly.
  • guywithquestions's Avatar
    Level 5
    After a whatsapp convo with EON agent, a complaint has been raised. It looks like the issue is going to be resolved.

    Though I am still also drafting a formal complaint for email citing Gross negligence in duties pertaining to the handling of a customers personal financial details resulting in an unexpected and undue loss of finances to said customer.

    Personally I think this is more than a complaint now, this would be outright criminal fraud if it was a civilian outfit.

    If somebody gave me a direct debit instruction to charge them once per month, and i secretly share that debit instruction with a friend who also begins taking money without the clients knowledge, I would be up on fraud charges, so would my friend, accident or not we would both be up on financial fraud charges.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    On admittedly thin evidence I’d put this down to simple error, but I doubt the truth will ever be admitted. You though have been incorrectly debited for a long time and that clearly wasn’t correct. Good luck with your complaint.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.