@geoffers Thank you, that's great to know. British Gas, who I'm currently with, have no record of readings from the meter - we submit them monthly. Neither have they appeared to notice we are not using electricity at night, nor commented on the excessive day use. We didn't wany to contact them first as we thought they'd blame E.ON for the meter and it would muddy the water. We have found them difficult to communicate with so far! There system has recently changed over too so that hasn't helped as neither we, nor them apparently, can see the old system, which has our records from when we first bought the property last year. I'll report the faulty meter to them now though. Thanks
@geoffers Thank you, that's great to know. British Gas, who I'm currently with, have no record of readings from the meter - we submit them monthly. Neither have they appeared to notice we are not using electricity at night, nor commented on the excessive day use. We didn't wany to contact them first as we thought they'd blame E.ON for the meter and it would muddy the water. We have found them difficult to communicate with so far! There system has recently changed over too so that hasn't helped as neither we, nor them apparently, can see the old system, which has our records from when we first bought the property last year. I'll report the faulty meter to them now though. Thanks
@meldrewreborn thank you. I just didn't know who to report it to. Whwn I contacted British Gas the operator said she had no idea we had a meter. Until now we've submitted reading monthly by telephone. I'll contact BG now and report the meter. Thank you
If you look at your BG bills, there will be a reference to both your Supply Number (or MPRN) and the account should show a serial number for the meter itself. Hardly likely they 'don't know you have a meter', when they have been billing you!
Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons.
quite often the meters are owned by a meter supply company and rented to the energy supplier, either way the ownership isn’t a factor we need to worry about!
Ok - pedant hat on ... In this context realise I should have put "ownership" in quotes as really meant current supplier "responsible for"
@retrotecchie Thank you! Wee never had a meter before so I never gave it a thought to check the paperwork. BG have changed their system recently and even they don't seem to know what's been happening. It's only since things have settled down we've realised the errors. Thanks for your help.
If BG cannot pull readings from the meter they presumably cannot reprogram it remotely. The cause of that is probably some failure in the communications hub (you haven’t said what the lights are doing have you?) and that too would require an engineer visit.
you should try to access the historic consumption which may be available for up to13 months from Bright. This is because In the absence of readings they will be obliged to estimate your day/night for the entire period you’ve been in residence. Bright would give you a basis to verify their assessment or argue it as the case may be.
You should insist upon raising a complaint and for a meter replacement as the only way to rectify the problems. There are problems with both the communication hub and the meter, which is why a complete replacement is essential. Be polite but insistent, and get the names of anyone you speak to. Try to speak to a supervisor if they drag their heels, but it is amazing that such people never seem to be available. Consider using email as it gives you a verified audit trail, rather than cribbed notes of telephone conversations.
These companies will try to do the absolute minimum and you need evidence and to know your rights to get this matter resolved quickly. Good luck.
Last edited by meldrewreborn; 7 Minutes Ago at 11:41.
Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
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