Having issues since October

  • jfjj's Avatar
    Level 5

    My electricity meter was apparently never 'comissioned' as smart - I was fine with this and was giving regular meter readings for bills since April with no issues and bills being generated. All of a sudden in October, it stopped automatically generating bills when I gave meter reads and all my manual meter readings were reset to incorrect estimate readings. The entirety of my bills were refunded and I am now massively in credit. Eon opened a complaint to rectify this and someone is coming to comission the smart meter (but this wasn't my issue), I want support with rectifying the bill and having my manual meter readings reinstated. I added a manual meter reading yesterday, and it was yet again replaced by an incorrect estimate read. I've added another one today and wanted to check it - but I now can't get into my account.

    I am wondering - as I seem to be getting no where through the other channels -
    how I can have my bill correctly rectified. I have sent a list of all the manual meter readings I gave as I log them down, and I also have the bills pre-existing on my account to prove it.

    I am just getting more and more anxious about having an incorrect bill and not knowing what I am paying. The reason I took regular manual readings was so that I could keep track of my spending. I know a smart meter would help this but I am not sure how it will rectify my past bill.

    Last edited by jfjj; 4 Weeks Ago at 10:34. Reason: login now works...
  • 8 Replies

  • Best Answer

    Lee_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    Best Answer
    @jfjj Hi

    First off, it's great to have you on the Community, you're a new member aren't you?

    Now in terms of the bill, someone should just be able to change the billing date to the day you give reads, hopefully this would rectify this. In terms of the bill and adding those reads again, they should still be there on the system so in a few clicks the customer service teams should be able to resolve this. It potentially sounds like a billing cycle issue which needs manual intervention.

    Have you spoken to your complaint handler since this started happening, have they mentioned what they can do to help etc? I would reach out to them again and ask that question.

    My advice until you get this sorted is keep giving reads, and keep up the regular payments.

    The Community isn't a customer service platform however I will happily try and assist where we can. Keep me updated...
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  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    So many things wrong here. If you are submitting readings then Eon Next certainly should not be rejecting them in favour of unreliable estimated readings. You don't say whether the estimated readings are too high or too low, if they're too low they're under estimating your costs, too high and you're being overcharged. It good that you have a complaint open.

    Do you pay by fixed monthly direct debit? If so any discrepancies on your account are probably of no immediate consequence, but problems could arise if an attempt were made to reassess the Direct Debit.

    From your daily standing charge and your unit charge figure its entirely possible to calculate your billing accurately. Can you use a spreadsheet?

    You would need to work from the date of your last bill which was calculated on your readings. If you are on a fixed tariff its just a question of consumption from last accurate bill to now times unit charge. Then number of days times daily charge. Add those two amounts together and multiply answer by 1.05 to add the VAT.

    If you are on a variable tariff you need to split the time period between pre Jan 1 and post Jan 1, as the prices changed on Jan 1.

    If you want to drop me a DM with the prices and readings on the appropriate dates I can calculate them for you.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and think the smart meter programme is a waste of our money. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92
    @jfjj Hi

    First off, it's great to have you on the Community, you're a new member aren't you?

    Now in terms of the bill, someone should just be able to change the billing date to the day you give reads, hopefully this would rectify this. In terms of the bill and adding those reads again, they should still be there on the system so in a few clicks the customer service teams should be able to resolve this. It potentially sounds like a billing cycle issue which needs manual intervention.

    Have you spoken to your complaint handler since this started happening, have they mentioned what they can do to help etc? I would reach out to them again and ask that question.

    My advice until you get this sorted is keep giving reads, and keep up the regular payments.

    The Community isn't a customer service platform however I will happily try and assist where we can. Keep me updated...

    The question is why are the customer service teams not able to resolve this matter, there seem to have been multiple failures to do what you say should happen, and yet nothing has gone smoothly. First, the meter wasn't commissioned properly. After 6 months waiting for this to take place things then go backwards when all previously manually submitted readings were deleted and replaced by incorrect estimates. A further 3 months on its still not resolved - if its so easy and simple why hasn't it been sorted?

    It doesn't reflect well to implore the customer to try again with customer services who have so far repeatedly failed to correct matters in a timely fashion. I think you could do much more to assist this customer.
  • jfjj's Avatar
    Level 5
    Thanks Lee,

    I am a new member.

    I've kept updating on the bill/meter issue, but I don't seem to be getting anywhere with the bill being updated at the moment. Whenever I ask questions about that part, they don't get responded to. I've seen a message on my account now about issues with billing energy usage - so hopefully it is rectified.
  • jfjj's Avatar
    Level 5

    Hello :)

    The meter readings are drastically underestimating which means that I owe eon, I know how much my bills should be I think because I have a spreadsheet already (like you suggested) which notes the usage and standing charges since my meter readings weren't being noted by the system in October - so hopefully I am not too wildly off - but it isn't very reassuring to have my manual reads rejected for estimated each time. But since 10th April last year i've gone from a 00000 to a 00877 reading (so I think 877kwh) and then + standing charges and 5% VAT, I've estimated so far about £400.

    They have now reassessed my DD and it's gone down from £55 to £8 but I imagine when this is corrected it will be reassessed to a higher charge. I am going to leave eon for another provider once the meter is sorted and the billing issue. It's been a long time of worry about it.

    Like has been said, this should be simple, so I am not sure why it's not being supported. There seems to be a real drive to sort the smart meter and not to sort my manual reads which are being thrown out by these estimated incorrect reads. If there is an issue as has been flagged now in a banner when I log into my account, this has not been communicated with me until this, so I am a bit worried they're going to come up with a bill that is wrong.

    Appreciate your support.


  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92
    Jess you are on the right lines. Your account should have clocked up 8/9 payments of £55 so in reality you will still be in credit when the account gets corrected (assuming its done quickly - after that you'll be in debit). If you do get in contact with customers services point to the reply from Lee above and put it to them that if its so simple and only a few clicks away, WHY can't they fix it?

    I always suggest people be firm and insistent but polite, They've had nearly 10 months to fix this and haven't so far. I'd put in another complaint about it taking so long to resolve the matter.
  • jfjj's Avatar
    Level 5
    @meldrewreborn Thank you for reassuring me. Yeah I I worked out in total since May last year that i have had 400£ credit in my account so hopefully will break even, although I am due to pay in another £55 tomorrow too, before it goes to £8 the following month. Hopefully it will be rectified by then so I am not playing catch up. I am going to move providers though hopefully, it's been really difficult to have any form of feedback on what is actually happening as the questions I ask are just ignored.
    @Lee_EONNext this issue is just being ignored when I ask about it and there is a focus on the smart meter - which isn't the issue. If it is quite easy to do, can someone help me elsewhere? I brought it up again this morning and I am struggling to see a way to get this rectified.

    I am really diligent with logging my meter reads because I live alone and I am on a budget, so it would be helpful. I have all the information needed and a back log of all the meter readings I gave.


  • Lee_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    @jfjj Jess, pop me a DM with your details, I'll see what I can do 🙂