My electricity meter was apparently never 'comissioned' as smart - I was fine with this and was giving regular meter readings for bills since April with no issues and bills being generated. All of a sudden in October, it stopped automatically generating bills when I gave meter reads and all my manual meter readings were reset to incorrect estimate readings. The entirety of my bills were refunded and I am now massively in credit. Eon opened a complaint to rectify this and someone is coming to comission the smart meter (but this wasn't my issue), I want support with rectifying the bill and having my manual meter readings reinstated. I added a manual meter reading yesterday, and it was yet again replaced by an incorrect estimate read. I've added another one today and wanted to check it - but I now can't get into my account.
I am wondering - as I seem to be getting no where through the other channels -
how I can have my bill correctly rectified. I have sent a list of all the manual meter readings I gave as I log them down, and I also have the bills pre-existing on my account to prove it.
I am just getting more and more anxious about having an incorrect bill and not knowing what I am paying. The reason I took regular manual readings was so that I could keep track of my spending. I know a smart meter would help this but I am not sure how it will rectify my past bill.
Last edited by jfjj; 4 Weeks Ago at 10:34. Reason: login now works...