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Post power cut and the smart meter isn't working
After a recent power cut, our smart (?) meter is unable to connect, just says searching for connection. unplugged several times, soft reset with power button several times and left for 24-48 hours to see if it would connect. No joy.
What to do next? -
8 Replies
I'm assuming you are talking about your IHD (In Home Display), sorry to say this is becoming an increasingly common problem. I'd have a look at this thread:
Probably the best thing is to contact Customer Service and see if they can remotely connect it. No guarantee though.Last edited by WizzyWigg; 4 Weeks Ago at 13:08.
EOn's stock response is the IHD is at fault, but my suspicion is that it is the registration of the IHD's GUID with the meter's Comms hub which has somehow been wiped in the power cut, and if this can't be reset remotely it would probably need an engineer visit to reinstall the IHD's settings.Last edited by geoffers; 4 Weeks Ago at 14:20.
It would be useful to get the details of the comms hub to see if there is any common model involved.
but large swaths of the country were cut off in recent storms and the number of instances we hear of are still quite small, but obviously there is a cause of the issue to be identified.Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and think the smart meter programme is a waste of our money. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless. -
PS. Just to comment that I needed to speak to UK Power Networks our DNO recently and was informed that the several power cuts we experienced over a 5 hour period in a 10 mile radius a couple of months ago would not have affected and did not affect the thousands of smart meters in range. The IHDs / comms hub discussion is intriguing.
How reliable these are can't be verified, but there is a feeling that the supplier can request the DCC to soft-reset, or a visit is required to pull the main fuse for 15mins to force a hard-reset
eg as reported here... https://forums.moneysavingexpert.com...mment_80042048Last edited by geoffers; 4 Weeks Ago at 10:55.
But if your power is off for, say, 36 hours, then that would constitute a hard reset. And if a "hard reset' literally drops every meter setting and loses the GUID.....does that not suggest that someone didn't think these things through at the design stage? Yet one more reason that these things are not exactly as robust as they need to be in terms of the end user experience.
Now if a wireless router can have a button to pair with your devices easily, then why can't a smart comms hub? Ah, 'security', they say....completely ignoring the fact that these things are made in China....🤣🤣🤣Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons. -