On checking my bills, we had our electricity smart meter changed that day, as the original one wasn't sending readings. I can see that the standing charge is shown on the bills at the time as missing the 19th July 2022, but is it normal for them to take over 2 1/2 years to correct this?!!
Bill received today for July 2022!
I've just received an email from E.On Next, for 38p, which says that I owe for energy from 19th July 2022. It seems that it is the Standing Charge for the one day but no other details.
On checking my bills, we had our electricity smart meter changed that day, as the original one wasn't sending readings. I can see that the standing charge is shown on the bills at the time as missing the 19th July 2022, but is it normal for them to take over 2 1/2 years to correct this?!! -
8 Replies
Hi @solidbond
You cannot be back billed for energy use from over 12 months ago, and as far as I know this also includes Standing Charges.
38p or not, I would challenge this as a matter of principle and raise a complaint if necessary. -
Thanks for the heads up - I've now emailed E.On Next asking them to refund it as it's in breach of the rules - will be interesting to see what they come back with! -
Hi The reply from Eon Next will be of great interest to all. Let us know how you get on. I'm sure you're not going to be the only one with this problem. -
@WizzyWigg @solidbond
Many moons ago i was working (!) for a Government department and received a Council annual rates bill for a small piece of property - the bill was for 6p!
Unfortunately, I had to get it paid (government accounting - all valid bills must be paid), but included was a letter pointing out the idiocy of their action , which had cost them more to issue and process than the value of the bill. Only happened once but the message obviously got through.
This bill for one day's standing charge may have been issued automatically (although I suspect not), but more likely somebody doing a reconciliation noticed the day hadn't been charged for and issued the bill. Why there are not systems in place to prevent this is beyond me. But if more people just pay up than complain about being billed out of time then the answer is plain enough.Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless. -
If you asked the average person in the high street how many DDs they have, and who are they for, I wager they couldn't with any certainty. So as for looking at bills and querying charges 🤔...... Answers on a postcard. 😉 -
Hi all - although I sent the email to E.On Next on Wednesday afternoon, they haven't bothered to reply as yet, so I have sent another email chasing it up and will report here when I actually hear from them 😀
So it's now 3 days and still not even an acknowledgment from eonnext to my email - are they always this slow responding? I used to contact them via Facebook Messenger, and got a reasonably quick response, but I see they've now removed that option. Anyone got any suggestions on getting them to respond?
Hi @solidbond I've always used emails as I'm not a believer in social media platforms. I have found it is rare to get a quick response particularly close to weekends or bank holidays, but it's never bothered me. The only way I can think of to speed up the process would be to give Customer Services a phone on Monday. Some say WhatsApp is good but again I'm not a user. 👴