Priority Services Register

  • Courtney_EONNext's Avatar
    Level 16
    Welcome to the Priority Service Register, where energy meets empathy! 💜

    Some of you may be thinking 🤔, Priority Service Register, what is that?

    This register is designed to ensure our most vulnerable customers - whether due to age, health conditions, or other circumstances receive the care and attention they deserve. By signing up, you'll be prioritised for assistance during outages or emergencies, ensuring that your energy needs are met swiftly and smoothly.

    Think of it as your VIP ticket to reliable support, keeping you energised and connected when it matters most!

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    So what support can we provide when you are on the Priority Service Register?

    ⚡ If you're struggling to read your bill or statement, let us know! Did you know, we can provide your statement to you in braille, audio or large print - anything to support our customers understanding their energy bill.

    ⚡ For customer's who are partially slighted or blind, we can provide you with an AIHD unit also known as an Accessible In Home Display. The AIHD makes tracking home energy even easier with a suite of new features that help those with a visual impairment.

    Third Party Correspondence - You can choose your bills to be sent across to a friend, carer or relative if this is easier for you! If you prefer to nominate a person to look after your energy account, let us know and we can send some copies to another destination if you tell us what you would like sending and who. Alternatively, you can consent to all correspondence being sent to a third party and this will need their consent to change the mailing address/email address to your chosen person - this means you will not receive anything but your nominated person will.

    ⚡ Understandably, some customers want to make sure they are protected for various reasons and may not feel safe with us turning up at their door even for a meter read, or worry about phone calls. So we can set up a password for you to make you feel more at ease!

    Support for power loss / power interruption - If your energy supply stops unexpectedly, we’ll prioritise reconnecting you straight away. Under vital interest we can share information with network companies to support if there is a sudden loss of gas or electricity supply.

    ⚡ We offer a free meter reading service for customer's who struggle to read their meter or if they are unable to get to their meter - this is called a Walk Order and this can be booked for a meter reader to come to the property every 3-6 months.

    ⚡ Customers who are on our Priority Services Register and live alone or with elderly people, or someone with a disability or a chronic illness, or live with a child under the age of five, can ask for a free gas safety check if:

    - A gas safety check hasn’t been completed in the last 12 months
    - You are in receipt of a means-tested benefit
    - There is a live gas supply

    To find out more information for all things gas safety check, head across to this thread ➡ E.ON Next Free Gas Safety Checks

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    How will I know if I'm eligible?

    To benefit from the Priority Service Register, you must meet certain criteria such as:

    You have reached the state pension age.
    Households with children 5 and under or you are currently pregnant.
    💛 You or someone living in the household is over 80 years old.
    💛 Young adult householder (18 and under).
    💖 You are disabled or have a long term medical condition.
    💖 You have a hearing, vision or physical impairment.
    💚 You have a mental health condition.
    💚 You use medical equipment that requires a power supply.
    💜 You have poor or no sense of smell.
    💜 You have restricted hand movement.
    🧡 You have a short term illness.
    🧡 You are unable to answer door/restricted movement.
    💙 You are unable to communicate in English.
    💙 You are water dependant.

    We do have a wide range of criteria so if your condition is not listed above, please give us a 📞 or pop us a message and we can certainly look into this for you to see if we can add you onto our Priority Services Register! 😃

    If we aren't your supplier and the Priority Service Register is something that you're interested in, get in touch with us today! 🤗

    What other support can we provide our customers?

    🔥 ECO4 Scheme (Energy Company Obligation)

    Did you know, you could be eligible for free energy efficiency upgrades? 🍃

    With the ECO4 Scheme you can get free energy efficiency upgrades to your home such as floor insulation or solar panels, done by accredited installers.

    For more information regarding the scheme, head on over to this thread where we talk about all things ECO4 ➡ ECO4 Scheme

    🔥 E.ON Next Energy Fund

    The E.ON Next Energy Fund is there to help customers get back on top of their finances and is designed to support people who may have had a temporary change of circumstances that made them fall into financial hardship by adding credit towards a debit balance 😁.

    This means only customers who can afford their ongoing consumption are eligible for the fund, this includes customers who have a debt on their prepayment or smart pay as you go meter.

    The aim of the ➡ E.ON Next Energy Fund is to rehabilitate E.ON Next customers who are experiencing financial hardship and struggling but can afford their ongoing consumption. The scheme is funded by E.ON Next and is administered by a third party organisation called Charis Grants.

    🔥 E.ON Heat

    E.ON Heat provides a community heating system which supplies heating and hot water, these customers don’t have a mains gas supply. Water is heated in their on-site energy centre and then piped to homes via their network of insulated pipes to provide hot water and heating. For more information, head on over to their website ➡ E.ON Heat.

    🔥 Paylink

    We’ve partnered with Paylink, a company who specialises in helping customers to understand and take control of their finances. Paylink offers a free space to create your own online personal budget 🍀.

    Paylink will let us know when you’ve created your budget and we’ll use this information to help, and support you with an affordable payment plan tailored to your needs - we’ll also be able to let you know if you’re eligible for other financial support.

    🔥 Step Change

    Step Change has more than 25 years’ experience providing free, expert debt advice. They offer the widest range of practical debt solutions of any provider in the UK, you can find more information on their website ➡ Step Change.

    🔥 MIND

    We understand that your mental health may be impacted by financial concerns, we have partnered with the charity ➡ MIND to support those in need and promote well-being in our community 💜.

    🔥 Citizen's Advice

    Citizens Advice are impartial and willing to help with a wide range of issues. Citizen's Advice provides advice such as debt management, welfare benefits, housing, immigration and asylum, employment, consumer complaints and landlord-tenant disputes.

    🔥 TellJo

    TellJo is a third party well-being survey that provides customers with bespoke signposting based on their answers in the questionnaire.

    We are using TellJo to get in touch with our customers and check on how they’re doing. We want to be able to offer them all the support we can and give them access to lots of resources that can assist them where we can’t.

    See this thread for further information regarding TellJo ➡ TellJo
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    We proudly collaborate with a variety of charities, bringing together resources and support to make a real difference in our community!

    Age UK - Age UK is a charity that provides support, advice and companionship to older people in the UK. They also campaign for policy changes to improve the lives of older people 💜. For more information, you can visit their website ➡ Age UK

    Beat the Cold - Beat the Cold is a charity that works to reduce fuel poverty and cold-health related issues. They provide energy advice and support, and work with the NHS and social care partners to offer affordable warmth services ➡ Beat the Cold

    Kidney Care UK - We have also partnered with Kidney Care UK to signpost additional help available to people living with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) including people who undertake their life saving dialysis at home. As well as this, if you are on the PSR and live with elderly people, live alone or with someone with a disability or chronic illness you could also get a free gas safety check. ➡ Kidney Care UK

    We do have a wide range of support for all of our customers, if you have any questions regarding the support we can provide, get in contact with us today
    Last edited by Courtney_EONNext; 18-01-25 at 13:01.
    'There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about.' - Margaret J. Wheatley 👫
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