Is anybody else having problems logging on to E.On Next either the app or website (as at 02/01/25 17:30)? Both are telling me my credentials are wrong (definitely not the case).
For the web version I've tried deleting the cookies and clearing the cache but it hasn't helped.
I've just tested logging onto my account via the website, and was able to log in, it was very slow though. This forum was moving very slowly earlier today too, so it's possible there have been updates going on which have caused delays. Keep trying, and if you're still getting the same error message tomorrow morning give Customer Services a call.
Are you still having issues? have you tried a password reset to see if this allows you in?
If after that, there is still no joy, it might be worth uninstalling the app and then installing again. After that if your still having issues then we would recommend contacting our customer service team.
Pop me a tag or private message for any solar or Affordability & Vulnerability questions! Need our customer service teams? Click here!📣 for ways to contact us
Are you still having issues? have you tried a password reset to see if this allows you in?
If after that, there is still no joy, it might be worth uninstalling the app and then installing again. After that if your still having issues then we would recommend contacting our customer service team.
@Lee_EONNext - For me it's not the EOn app or website, which open in a flash - it's this Community Forum which is running like a dog: need to add some more coal to the fire, or put some more hamsters onto the wheel😅
Takes 5 to 10 seconds to open/refresh a page on both phone and laptop (browser based)
Are you still having issues? have you tried a password reset to see if this allows you in?
I didn't really want to reset the password as I knew that wasn't the problem but I have now given in and reset it. I actually reset it to what it already was and it now let's me in, at least it does on the app. Must be just one of those glitches I suppose.
Thanks for all suggestions.
Today i can successfully login to both the app and the web account. Same ID, same password just a different day. Perhaps the system was confused because it has just added my SEG account.
Anyway thanks again.
I'm unable to logon to my account today. I was in the middle of doing some account work 30 mins ago and now cannot get into either my online account or the app either. I'll see what it is like over the weekend.
Interestingly I tried to input a manual read (for 1/1/25) but the system over-rides the lower actual meter read with the higher 'estimated read' and then to add insult to injury records it as a manual read with this same estimated number (higher than the actual on that date) 🤣 Then submitted another manual read for today's date (3/1/25) and the system worked as it should have done.
Looks like the system has said 'I'm having no more of this malarky!' before promptly logging me out spitting feathers 😆
Someone obviously bought it a pair of Grumpy Trousers for Christmas 🤣🤣🤣
Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons.
As with every diverse community, there is always a mixture of opinions, knowledge as well as understanding - that’s what makes it such a great place to be! To make sure everyone gets the most out of our Community and feels good doing it, we’ve created some values below on how to be an awesome, positive member. So, take a read and then go for it!
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