Same every month.
Sent my readings yesterday morning, received the confirmation e-mail at 10.31.
Electric had a debit pretty quickly, gas didn't get a "pending" but went to a debit in the evening. Still not had a statement.
Daughter submitted reads around 13.30. Electric showed debit fairly quickly and gas showed pending quite quickly, went to a debit in the afternoon and statement produced and downloaded at 16.30.
So why does it always take over 24 hours to produce my statement when my daughter's is all done and dusted in around 3 hours ?
Do you have both gas and electric with us? Gas can take upto 48 hours to produce the statement on occasion.
Are you submitting the reads manually or via smart? Does your Daughter have both fuels or just electricity?
Being a customer myself, I seem to provide my reads and then its within 48 hours that I receive both Gas and Electricity together.
Let me know, and we can have a look into this for you.
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Afternoon @molerat There's probably a few factors that can delay a statement. My smart meters submit a reading on 23rd of each month at 00:00. I start seeing results from 22:30 on the 23rd (gas is often later) with a statement around 10:00 on the 24th. Variations can occur if either weekends or bank holidays are involved. No major problem though.
Same every month.
Sent my readings yesterday morning, received the confirmation e-mail at 10.31.
Electric had a debit pretty quickly, gas didn't get a "pending" but went to a debit in the evening. Still not had a statement.
Daughter submitted reads around 13.30. Electric showed debit fairly quickly and gas showed pending quite quickly, went to a debit in the afternoon and statement produced and downloaded at 16.30.
So why does it always take over 24 hours to produce my statement when my daughter's is all done and dusted in around 3 hours ?
Even with smart reads I never get the statement until Read Day + 1. My smart reads appear late on the due day (as it happens my coincides with the 1st of the month) with the statement the following morning. Bizarrely for the bill I received this morning, this was the first time in over a year the smart pull failed (Eon estimated on the electricity 🤔 the gas was correctly smarted). Next month I will submit manual read(s) should I not see smart reads on my account late on 1st Feb.
OT slightly. Any reason why my gas reads (in my case) were taken smartly (proving the comms hub was working) but the electricity ones failed leading to an estimated reading? I'm not bothered this month as I'm on a fixed tariff anyway so swings and roundabouts leading to a slightly lower bill than whatever my actual consumption turns out to be for January. I'm overcharged this month by 7kWh electric but not a great £ amount due to paying by VDD (variable direct debit).
@Mailman sometimes we have to wait for what we call calorific value which is usually by 3pm the next, if your statements are delayed in the future just pop us a DM, we will check the account over for you.
We are both gas and electric customers manually providing readings. It just seems strange that every month her bill is produced within a few hours and mine takes over a day. It is no big deal, just weird. Never had to wait 48 hours though.
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