Smart meter - EV Rate

  • Lloydy1980's Avatar
    Level 5
    I'll try keep this as short as possible but had an issue with EDF for 6 months which involved the ombudsman. (left EON to go to EDF).
    I eventually after months of hell got a SMETS2 smart meter installed so I could get the EV 12-5am reduced rate. (they swapped the gas at the same time).

    The meter did not communicate with edf, they came again to try swapping a part and still didn't work and are not willing to swap the meter for another and have denied me the EV overnight rate as it won't communicate with EDF. (the gas meter apparently does communicate as told by the EDF engineer).

    However, the guy who came round said that the SMETS2 meter IS actually set up to measure the normal and overnight rate so I can see what the split is and assumed I could just use these and submit as you would do normally in the App whenever asked.

    I've said this to EDF but still deny me the EV tariff and have even swapped me to a more expensive tariff!

    Question is, to get a EV tariff, does the smart meter have to communicate with the supplier even if the meter has been properly setup to measure the overnight rate?

    I'm thinking of leaving EDF to come back to EON but if I'm going to be in the same scenario I won't bother.

  • 15 Replies

  • Best Answer

    retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92
    Best Answer

    Stay where you are. The EV tarrif relies on a working smart meter capable of sending half-hourly readings. If the meter doesn't communicate, you can't have the EV tarrif. Being able to send manual readings won't qualify. You'll be better off with a standard E7 dual-rate deal.

    Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons.
  • geoffers's Avatar
    Level 39
    The meter did not communicate with edf, ... have denied me the EV overnight rate as it won't communicate with EDF. (the gas meter apparently does communicate as told by the EDF engineer)...the SMETS2 meter IS actually set up to measure the normal and overnight rate
    Sounds like you're getting fed some confusing/mis information - the SMETS2 meters don't normally record day and night rates (unless it's a dual rate meter) - normal meters just record the ½ hourly usage, which the supplier pulls from the meter on a daily basis and applies the correct tariff rate for the time of use (TOU)

    The meter itself doesn't communicate to the supplier - there is a comms-hub mounted above the meter which picks up the readings from the electric meter (approx. every 10 secs I think) and the gas meter (every ½ hour) and feed this information to the IHD using the home area network (HAN)

    The comms hub will also send the readings to the supplier over the Wide Area Network (WAN - via the centralised DCC) when a reading is requested.

    Are you seeing gas and electric readings in your IHD? If so both meters are communicating OK internally via the HAN.

    If you want to make sure they're communicating with the outside world via the WAN, look online for the Citizens Advice Bureau meter checker which will test if they're working in smart mode.

    If they appear to be OK, to actually view your ½ hourly data download the Bright app; register your meters and the app will pull the actual data directly from the meters via the DCC, irrespective of who your supplier is. If Bright can get the data then both EDF and/or EON should be able to read the data too
  • Lloydy1980's Avatar
    Level 5
    Thank you for the response.
    Just checked CAB and it can't find my electricity meter but says my gas should work in smart mode (I recall the engineer saying the gas communicates through the electricity meter? (not sure if this is true).

    The IHD hasn't worked since they tried to fix the issue last week (never had the IHD before this).
  • geoffers's Avatar
    Level 39
    Thank you for the response.
    Just checked CAB and it can't find my electricity meter but says my gas should work in smart mode (I recall the engineer saying the gas communicates through the electricity meter? (not sure if this is true).

    The IHD hasn't worked since they tried to fix the issue last week (never had the IHD before this).
    If the CAB says the gas is working in smart mode, the Comms Hub/WAN is clearly communicating (via the DCC) with the outside world!

    Just out of interest download Bright and register your gas meter - if it picks up and displays the readings from the gas meter there is no problem with the WAN/comms. If that's the case there is clearly a fault with the actual electric meter (as the Comms Hub/Gas Meter are communicating via the DCC OK)
  • Lloydy1980's Avatar
    Level 5
    Oh right ok, so looks like there's nothing preventing communication (the fact the meter is under the stairs in the centre of the house).
    I've just done the Bright suggestion, it says status pending at the moment.
    Will keep you posted! Thanks again for the awesome help & quick responses.

    I've been going through hell with EDF since 17th July, the most disgraceful company I've ever come across!
  • Lloydy1980's Avatar
    Level 5

    Reply from Bright

    We noticed that you submitted a few applications recently, two by using

    > your IHD and one with your bill (we'd need the first page of that to

    > pass as we need to see the account holder's name as part of our approved

    > protocols - our service is regulated). On investigating we can see

    > why you aren't getting any data from your original submissions - your

    > electricity meter has been Whitelisted but not commissioned and it

    > looks as though you have no gas meter?


    > You need to follow up with your supplier - as only they can commission

    > the meter(s). Once that's been done, please do try again as it should

    > work perfectly then!
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    Sounds like you need to hassle Energie Des Frogs then and get them to come out and finish commissioning their meters properly.