Hi I recently joined EON this year and since doing so my bills feel extortionately high every month. Some months I don’t even get a statement and then it will randomly appear 2 months later. Every time I have credit it always gets reversed and disappears. Most months I’m charged between 50-100 for electricity then others it will be doubled / tripled. for example my balance was -£84 debit. I paid £125 by direct debit and now today my account is now £-143 debit… my next direct debit is due again for £147 in a few days.. what is going on? They said everything looks fine but I live in a 1 bedroom it doesn’t make sense to be charged this much
My meter reads look in line with what I am submitting myself, I’m worried there is some kind of glitch
the forum is primarily a customer to customer space. I suggest you contact customer services again and if necessary make a complaint.
personally I will not try out your links because of an absence of trust on my part. You can post images by using the third icon from right above. Make sure personal information is left out. We will help you as far as we can once we have good information to work from.
Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
those images don’t help unfortunately. Images showing readings, and tariffs, with reversed and new charges will be required. We can summon help from Eon Next personnel once the problem is fully understood.
one way forward is to tell us your earliest confirmed readings, the latest confirmed readings and what tariff you are on . We can then work out your likely total bill over the period, and you can then compare that to what you have paid. I tend to agree that for a one bed flat the bills seem high, but the devil is in the detail.
Thank you there was a dispute between my old supplier and new supplier on opening reading so it’s a little confusing. I have attached electricity meter reads & transactions in the screenshots. Gas opening and today read I’ve written below
gas tariff
Next Fixed 12m v16
6.17 p/kWh 32.03 p/day
electricity tariff
Next Fixed 12m v16
26.16 p/kWh 40.79 p/day
Gas reads
opening 12/06/24 (21250)
todays read (21605)
Thank you there was a dispute between my old supplier and new supplier on opening reading so it’s a little confusing.
Have you had the closing bill from your previous supplier yet? (i.e they have closed your previous energy account with them) If yes, were their closing reads the same as Eon Next's opening reads? Remember that these reads need to be industry verified and passed via an industry data flow. So you might expect to see the same matching changeover reads of 21250 (m3) of gas and 1163.5 (kWh) of electricity for both Eon Next and the old supplier although these changeover reads can sometimes be at variance to what the customer has submitted! If they are not the same then problems can and do follow. Therefore if you don't see these same numbers for both old and new you need to raise a complaint and rebilled to the same changeover reads (whatever they are).
Presenting the transactions like this makes it a little difficult to comment much further as I cannot see the start and end meter reads used to calculate each bill/statement. Also what does the actual account show for the readings? Are they the same as your list? My advice is for you to download all the statements and then go back through each of these checking to see whether the reads match what you have listed. You don't mention if you are on a smart meter but I guess probably not as the transaction dates are all over the place. Maybe some of the statements use estimated reads so that when you submit a manual the system re-does the transactions. Ask Eon Next for the correct scheduled read date (smart or customer) and stick to that date so that you don't get multiple transactions within the same month.
Assuming that the Gas reading is in 100's of cu feet that puts your gas charges at circa £300 and your electricity at circa £550, so total circa £850 in less than half a year, and little of the cold winter months . So a direct debit of £140 - £150 per month is in the right order. Some of the readings though look unusual - using 99 kWh between 22nd and 23 November looks almost impossible!
It seems to me that you are using a lot of both fuels. I live in an extended 3 bed semi and my electricity consumption is 1600 kWh per annum, and you've used 1821 kWh in less than half a year!! My gas consumption can't be directly compared to yours because i have a solar thermal panel which heats my hot water in the summer, but my impression is that its a little on the heavy side too.
As your tariff shows electricity is 4 times the price of gas per kWh so gas should be used in preference to electricity wherever possible. I'm guessing that you do not have smart meters (because the gas reading suggests its an older imperial unit meter) and they might help you get a better handle on your energy use. You might also like to get a through plug meter (about £15) which would enable you to test the consumption of your appliances. Older appliances like freezers and fridges struggle to maintain low temperatures and consequently use a lot more energy to do so. My own freezer was using circa 1600 kWh per annum and after replacing it my annual consumption dropped 1400 kWh !
Energy saving advice is everywhere, but using LED bulbs is a good place to start, and recognising that everything that is on is costing you money is another.
Hopefully, you can relax a little bit, your bills are in the right ball park, its your level of consumption that needs swift attention.
@Glamourbyamy I hope all is well? Have you spoken to our customer service team about this yet?
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