Yes I've had smart meters installed.

  • Andy65's Avatar
    Level 49

    That is absolutely absurd, there's no logic to it whatsoever. If anything, if one were to believe all the hype/advertising on smart meters then when a customer moves to smart meters, wouldn't it be logical to expect the EAC to go in the opposite direction?

    I think that you may be better challenging your MP with this, I don't know how OFGEM could in anyway whatsoever, defend this. I'm sure they'll try but the question to your MP is why are OFGEM allowing it, effectively giving suppliers the ammunition to raise bills incorrectly, most customers probably wouldn't even challenge it.
  • Mailman's Avatar
    Level 61
    but its the slavish adherence to using the EAC data in consumer accounting when better data is available that I find really offensive.

    As do we all - you have my sympathies 😔

    Another phone call to CS on the way?

    At least you have a shrewd idea what you are likely to use over the next 12 months. However in the circumstances of a meter change those customers, that don't monitor usage slavishly, end up potentially having huge upticks to DD when the DD review kicks in as it inevitably does when on a fixed DD payment.

    You've highlighted another good reason why many of us use Variable DD. 🍻
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    your explanation is doubtless correct but that doesn’t make it right, as you acknowledge. Just because that’s the way they have done it for yonks doesn’t mean that the process they use is fit for purpose. I readily accept that in the industry as a whole there is negligible issue with this practice, but at an individual level that’s not true. While I’m experienced enough to challenge any detrimental effect from this- most likely in DD revision - others are not. And why should we have to fight to get fair treatment when all can see that transferring the EAC of the old meter to the new is a more reasonable and accurate approach?
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and think the smart meter programme is a waste of our money. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • geoffers's Avatar
    Level 40
    At least you have a shrewd idea what you are likely to use over the next 12 months. However in the circumstances of a meter change those customers, that don't monitor usage slavishly, end up potentially having huge upticks to DD when the DD review kicks in as it inevitably does when on a fixed DD payment.

    You've highlighted another good reason why many of us use Variable DD. 🍻
    I guess it's different for everyone, but I've had the completely opposite experience. I don't know if you saw my recent post here

    They've re-assessed my annual usage and reduced the DD amount (which looks like it's been based on the previous 12 months usage). But on top of that, because I had shifted my DD payment date to a few days before the billing date, the cr/db total at the "bill point" time has remained in credit, so they appear to have reduced the DD by a further amount to spread the credit repayment over the year : result 😁
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    I’ll hold my fire for now. They would only say they don’t control the EAC figure, ignoring the fact that they automatically use it, even when their own data is more accurate.

    If they try to up my DD at the next review then I’ll make a formal complaint on the basis that they are not using the most accurate data available to them, which is a breach of their licence from OFGEM. I’ll take it to the ombudsman too. If they want to make my life difficult they’ll find I can make theirs difficult too!
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    If, and it’s a really big if, eon next use my annual advance as a basis for reconsidering my DD you would be correct, but my experience says their first point of reference is the EAC. We’ll see!
  • geoffers's Avatar
    Level 40

    If, and it’s a really big if, eon next use my annual advance as a basis for reconsidering my DD you would be correct, but my experience says their first point of reference is the EAC. We’ll see!
    I wonder if it could actually be due to change of MPAN with your new meter (did the MPAN change?)
    <edit>no: just read that MPAN relates to the address so doesn't change if the meter changes</edit>

    However according to this thread on the OVO forum they fall back to the default industry EAC formula on meter changes: ... which seems daft as EOn have your historical account records to calculate usage.

    However one bit of good news which that thread hints at (if EOn do the same), is now that you have Smart meters they should hopefully be able to adjust the Future Annual Consumption (FAC) values, as they are getting regular, confirmed usage from your Smart readings
    Last edited by geoffers; 10-01-25 at 20:41.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    Hopefully the new smart meter readings will regularise matters quickly, but I suspect that will not be the case. As they’ve got to start with a figure, using one based on averages in my locale is sensible from their point of view, but logically using the end values from the removed meter would make much better sense from the customer’s perspective.
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    This is the energy industry you're talking about. What has 'logic' got to do with anything? The only way to avoid the problem of EAC's is to either not have a smart meter, or to use variable direct debit.
    Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons.
  • geoffers's Avatar
    Level 40
    @meldrewreborn ...The only way to avoid the problem of EAC's is to either not have a smart meter, or to use variable direct debit.
    @retrotecchie, I think you've got that the wrong way around - if you read the thread I posted from OVO it would appear that the use of EAC is where people don't have smart meters, so they look back at the historical periodic meter readings and build a picture of energy usage over time. But I guess there's always an element of doubt as they're relying on user supplied reading which may or may not be correct (only to be validated by a knock on the door when a human reader comes)

    However they say with smart meters they're getting a regular, confirmed and true record of your ½ hourly (or daily) usage so can build a much more accurate picture for your FAC to base your predicted usage on
    Last edited by geoffers; 11-01-25 at 10:09.