Elderly dad cannot get Smart meters

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  • LucySc's Avatar
    Level 2
    Hi all
    I'm not sure what to do to help my dad get smart meters fitted. He's nearly 85 and really struggling to get under the stairs to read his meters nowadays. Unfortunately I don't live locally to help him. We booked for smart meters to be installed for him a few years ago now. Installer visited and said he couldn't do it because the electric main fuse cut out was too old. That's fair, I suspect it's never been changed in the life of the house (mid 1930s). He said that he'd arrange for the DNO (in this case it's UK Power Networks) to come and replace this so the smart meters could be fitted. We waited a few months then chased this up both with eon and UKPN. Neither of them had any record of this happening. UKPN were quite helpful though and explained that the supplier just needed to fill in a specific form and they'd come and do the work. I fed this back to eon (several times as my emails tended to get no response for months). After about a year dad started getting some hassle again from eon about getting smart meters. He explained the situation to the person on the phone and they just sent out an installer again. To cut a long story short, this has happened 3 times now. Eventually he was told on the phone that eon wouldn't do it (I believe the only option would be for dad to pay for the fuse to be changed himself, which is fair enough, it's his house, but why didn't they just say that in the first place?). I even put in a complaint but never got any response to it (I thought they were obliged to respond?!)

    I've just been looking at fixed tariffs for him which has prompted me to write this post - all of them say you have to get smart meters installed. He wants to!

    Any comments, thoughts, advice, even if it's just to say we should have just paid the DNO ourselves. So I can work out the way forward. Many thanks
  • 6 Replies

  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 79

    There is absolutely no reason why you should pay to replace the main fuse in this situation - it's a free service that is the responsibility of the DNO to cover the costs for as it's their equipment.

    Bear with me, I think I've got a trick for this.
    Just another guy passing by... The unknown tech way...
    Pete is an IHD Tariff Update Robot! 🤖 Anasa is a Giant Enemy Robot Spider 🕷 🤖 Hannah is neither! Need Customer service? click here! Replacement IHD Guide? Here it is!
  • LucySc's Avatar
    Level 2
    @theunknowntech thanks I appreciate this! The DNO didn't seem to have a problem with it, it's eon that won't put through the paperwork to get them to do it! It's so frustrating.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91

    recently the smart meter installer couldn’t install the meter because my installation had a fused neutral. The right paperwork was done and within a week UKPN remedied the matter.

    I’d make a complaint which will take time but might be necessary as a backstop.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • LucySc's Avatar
    Level 2
    @meldrewreborn thanks I'll try again. It was just when I made a complaint before they never replied (other than one email after several weeks to say had this been dealt with, I said no and never heard back again!). I'll try again.
  • Tommysgirl's Avatar
    Level 49

    That's awful service. If they don't respond promptly and sort it, I'd maybe consider getting in touch with an organisation like Citizens Advice or Age UK, who can possibly approach Eon Next on you and your dads behalf, and have a bit more 'clout'/influence.