Who else has dodgy or incorrect Eon meter readings lately?

  • Andy65's Avatar
    Level 47
    Hi @SmartMeterQueries,

    Thanks for supply that, as @retrotecchie has said your problem has been complicated by the fact that estimated readings have been used.

    The first thing that I would do is to check the 4 bills ending 484, 613, 429 and 806. Check them one at a time starting with ...484 and compare the meter readings against what you have recorded. These bills will also state whether the readings were estimated or not.

    Alternatively you could look back through your previous bills until you find one that has an actual meter reading, either a smart one or supplied by you. Then take a current reading and you'll know the m3 (I'm assuming your meter is metric) used over that period, multiply that by 11.5 and you'll have the approximate kWh used. Multiply this by the highest p/kWh for your tariff in that period and that will give you an approximate gas cost, then multiply the number of days between these two readings by an average of your Standing Charge. Add the gas costs to the SC costs and you'll have what you have used over that period, it's a crude calculation but it won't be too far out. Then add up what you've actually paid over the same period and compare the two.

    It looks like your bills have been estimated for whatever reason, and on the low side. Once they have an actual reading they recalculate all previous estimated bills. Do as has been suggested and check your meter reading history.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91
    From the screenshots the latest reading on 15 May is still an estimate!! So in all probability its still wrong to some extent - either too low or too high. The recalculation of the previous bills is linked to the price changes on January 1 and April1.

    A manual read of the volume is required - ideally from the meter itself and then being submitted via the online account. This will result in another set of reversed charges for all the quarterly price changes post the last previous accurate (manual or smart) reading, and then the same periods being rebilled representing the increased or reduced actual consumption relative to the estimates.

    Its simple to resolve - but the result will be either joy or dismay.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91
    The only glitch (although its a big one) is that the readings are not getting through to Eon Next. There are numerous causes of that, but most likely down to communications rather than a fault in the meter itself (these are rare but not unknown). Everything after that is down to bills being estimated rather than being based on accurate data. When accurate data is not available bills are estimated based on the industry provided Estimated Annual Consumption Data which can go up or down and is not subject to user interrogation.

    Keep pressing Eon Next on resolving the readings issue, but in the meantime provide manual readings at least on the quarter price change days and ideally at monthly intervals..

    The computer phrase used to be "garbage in = Garbage out". Its probably still the case today.
  • DebF_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    Hey @SmartMeterQueries welcome to the community 👋

    What it looks like as the others have mentioned and from the picture you've posted, I can see some reversed charges which suggests there has been a re-bill.

    There are a few reasons this can happen but here are the most common:

    • There have been estimates for a period and then we get an actual reading through (this could be a customer reading / smart reading / data collector reading) and the estimates aren't correct. Sometimes we may have overestimated your usage which would result in a credit to your account or it may have been underestimated which would result in a catch up bill.
    • There may be an unbilled period (we call this a usage gap) where your account wasn't billed, this could be due to a held bill (a bill that has been flagged for review by the system due to a something not being inline on the bill) or there may have been a meter exchange and we haven't billed the old meter, or a move in/out has happened and we've only just been updated.
    • You have had a meter exchange due to a faulty meter and your account has been billed up to date to the removal reading or there has been a missed meter exchange (where the new meter details have not updated on the system) again this could result in catch up bill.

    If you ever see a discrepancy it's always a good idea to take a look at your readings online as @retrotecchie has shown so you can see exactly what has been billed and if you're ever unsure get in touch with an energy specialist who can talk you through it 😃