EV7 You can view your readings on your meter at any time. The readings are not hidden from the website, its purely they are not used to bill you & therefore wouldn't be there to see, as the statement should answer all your questions. However, with an EV Tariff, we don't use reads to bill so looking at them would essentially cause you a false bill/charges.
Your smart meter submits data half hourly, which is what is used to bill you on the EV Tariff.
If you wish to discuss your account then please be advised the forum is not a Customer Service Platform & you will need to contact Customer Services to discuss.
If you wish to start a thread based on your experiences or you have a specific question etc, please feel free to in the Accounts, Billing & Tariffs section and you may get the help your looking for from other members or another member who has had a similar question may share their experiences.