My meter has not worked since about Dec. 2022

  • richard9900's Avatar
    Level 6
    I would guess they use historical usage data. If you can work back yourself over a previous similar period to that being estimated in order to come up with your own figure, it will enable you to challenge their estimate should you feel it necessary.

    Hi. Thanks for that, it encouraged me to look for earlier data. I've now got the entire history of Smart readings starting at "1" which was recorded on 23 September 2020. I should now have a sufficient data range in the data to be enabled to come up with a fairly accurate estimate of how much I used from the date the Smart Meter stopped recording the electricity usage.
  • richard9900's Avatar
    Level 6
    Hi. Let me post the entire smart meter readings. I do so in the hope that someone might be able to give me a heads up on how EON & myself ought to come to a usage figure, given that my meter stopped working after 16th December 2022. Maybe someone here has the talent for these things. Here is the data: I put some breaks in based on the fact that we are in April. Not sure if that is helpful.

    Date Type Read

    24/04/24 Manual 2398
    19/03/24 Manual 2397
    16/03/24 Estimate 2550
    01/01/24 Estimate 2500
    30/06/23 Manual 2398
    01/04/23 Estimate 2398

    26/03/23 Manual 2398
    16/03/23 Estimate 2664
    01/01/23 Estimate 2426
    16/12/22 Smart 2374
    16/11/22 Smart 2281
    16/10/22 Smart 2199
    01/10/22 Smart 2161
    16/09/22 Smart 2130
    16/08/22 Smart 2062
    16/07/22 Smart 1989
    16/06/22 Smart 1921
    16/05/22 Smart 1856
    15/05/22 Smart 1852
    16/04/22 Smart 1781

    16/03/22 Smart 1688
    16/02/22 Smart 1605
    16/01/22 Smart 1506
    16/12/21 Smart 1414
    16/11/21 Smart 1318
    16/10/21 Smart 1215
    16/09/21 Smart 1116
    16/08/21 Smart 1033
    16/07/21 Smart 955
    16/06/21 Smart 872
    16/04/21 Change of supply 679

    10/04/21 Manual 679
    14/03/21 Smart 575
    10/03/21 Smart 575
    15/02/21 Smart 496
    10/02/21 Smart 481
    10/01/21 Smart 374
    10/12/20 Smart 266
    10/11/20 Smart 164
    10/10/20 Smart 55
    23/09/20 Manual 1
    Last edited by richard9900; 24-04-24 at 18:43.
  • Lee_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    @richard9900 Hi, I'm glad to read you're getting an exchange, please keep us informed on how this goes.

    In terms of the bill after its resolved. The team will do as mentioned above, monitoring a period of time and then trying to work it out. If the meter has been stuck for over a year, the team will also look into what they can do around back billing.

    Do you have someone looking after this yet or are you going to call? It will get sorted either way.

    You can use social media to contact us if that's easier for you.

    Have a solar related question? Pop me a tag! Need our customer service teams? Click here! 📣 for ways to contact us
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    Your consumption has been unknown from Dec 22 to Apr 24.

    From Dec 20 to Apr 22 you consumed about 1500 units by my reckoning.

    Who knows what they will use to estimate what you consumed from Dec 22 until today but if they come up with a figure of around (or perhaps a shade under) 1500 then that would seem reasonable to me.

    Your tariff rates for the period would have to be applied and then your account balance at Dec 22 and any payments you made during the period would have to be taken account of to reach a current balance.

    That’s my take on it but maybe others will have different ideas.

    Edit... I have re-visited your figures and by using all your known usage history I estimate you average about 2.9 units per day. Using that figure to estimate your usage during the period from Dec 22 to Apr 24 when your meter was unserviceable, I still come up with an estimated usage of just under 1500 units for the period.
    Last edited by JoeSoap; 25-04-24 at 09:56.
  • richard9900's Avatar
    Level 6
    OK, I feel email is the best communication method in a case like this. So, I did some digging and found an email that I can use to contact EON. I copied and pasted the usage data that I have and expect to receive, in the fulness of time, EON's estimate of electricity usage from the time when the meter failed. It looks to me that everything is OK up till 26/03/23 Manual 2398. That figure of 2398, sent in by me, should have led to a re-adjustment in my bill at that time, because the two previous estimates before it were too high. I'm very curious as to what EON will quote me as to my usage. Will it be over or under 1500 units? I await the answer. :-)
    Last edited by richard9900; 25-04-24 at 11:20.
  • richard9900's Avatar
    Level 6
    Here are my thoughts on the data: The reading of 26/03/23 of 2398 is correct up to that date. Uncertainty after that date. (Actually wrong, see below).To calculate a years worth of usage from the data, you would take 16/03/22 1688 as the starting figure. Usage is 2398 -1688 = 710. The previos year: The reading 16/03/22 1688 is correct up to that date. You would take 14/03/21 575 as the starting figure. Usage is 1688 - 575 = 1113. Quite a difference in usage between years. And lower than 1500. N.B.: Actually, that figure of 2398 is itself not reliable, because the meter probably stopped working before the date I sent in the reading (26/02/23). That will explain why the usage drops from 1113 to 710. Instead of 710 the true usage will have been about 1113, similar to previous year. I'd be argiung that my usage is about 1200 units per year.
    Last edited by richard9900; 25-04-24 at 12:32.
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91
    …. I'd be argiung that my usage is about 1200 units per year.

    My figure of 1500 is for 16 months usage from Dec 22 to Apr 24 so our estimates are in the same ball park.
    I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
  • richard9900's Avatar
    Level 6
    Thing is, there are a few ways to figure this. But, if you take the view that what should be done is produce an average figure over the time span of reliable data, you get this: 16/12/22 (last smart reading) 2374, 23/09/20 (first reading) 1. That's a usage of 2373 over 27 months if I've not made a mistake. 2373 / 27 = 87.88 units per month. The period that we are seeking to esimate goes from 16/12/22 to 24/04/24. That's 16 months. So, we can form an estimate of 16 months usage of 16 x 87 = 1392. The average yearly usage is then 12 x 87 = 1044 calculated over 27 months..
    Last edited by richard9900; 25-04-24 at 13:13.
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91
    Thing is, there are a few ways to figure this...

    There are... and we don't know exactly what formula they will use. It could be argued that in the sixteen month period in question there were more colder months than warmer ones, ie. only one summer, so you could expect the average daily usage to be a bit more than if one year's usage was used for the estimates. I'd be fairly happy if the estimate for the period was under 1500 but that's just my take on it. Please keep us informed of what transpires so we can perhaps get some idea of how they do these things.
  • richard9900's Avatar
    Level 6
    I will keep readers informed. My hope is that when it's done and dusted there might be some public record (this thread) that gives customers who have the same problem some insight as to how meter reading failures are dealt with by EON & perhaps some insight about when they should challenge their usage determination. I have asked for EON to give some reasoning behind the usage figures when they give me notice of them, so I can understand why the figures are what they are.