For those who do not wish to have one ..and your within your rights to refuse you are being discriminated against...surely this is not right!
So to get a new fixed rate offer eon next among others are saying you have to have a smart meter...
For those who do not wish to have one ..and your within your rights to refuse you are being discriminated against...surely this is not right! -
8 Replies
I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
I had a smart meter at a previous address, it was faulty and kept taking amounts out of my bank account that cost me a considerable amount in bank supplier totally ignored the fact...even having previous readings before the meter was fitted to refer to...just didn't care.
It has been on BBC news this morning about how poor the customer service is and how people have been at their wits end! -
The government would like all to have smart meters. Fixed rate tariff offers are a form of incentive to agree to have them fitted. edited by WizzyWigg; 26-03-24 at 12:24. Reason: Extra information
There is absolutely no reason why those without smart meters should be denied the fix rate offers.
It is basically blackmail..if you don't accept our smart meter you will not get the preferred tariff. -
I agree that tying a fixed rate offer to the installation of a smart meter is ethically unacceptable.
However, if you sign up you just keep ignoring the invitations to have one installed. The suppliers have plenty of other people's homes to install meters at and there seems to be no interchange between the billing department and the smart meter team about refuseniks.
There is also the widely reported fact (reported here on the forum last week but the media have woken up to the fact today) that there are some 3.9M smart meters operating in traditional mode - i.e. they are recording usage (as a traditional meter did) but are not getting that data to the supplier. There is over a years worth of work for the installers just to get those meters functioning.
So my advice just sign up and then drag your heels about the smart meter. and that long covid tends to keep them away too.
We've been told that tampering with the equipment to stop the transmission of data is illegal (but how would they find out?) although I'm certain some sort of shielding around the meter could prevent data transmission if you went about it correctly.
This is what happens when we as a society are not prepared to recognise individuals right to be different.Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and think the smart meter programme is a waste of our money. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless. -
I understand that you don't want smart meters due to a bad experience but it wasn't the smart meter taking taking the money from your bank account. The bills are produced from the readings pulled from it. Any type of meter can be faulty. If you had a faulty standard meter then that too could lead to higher payments being taken, but you would then have been given notice your DD was changing (unless you had a variable DD set up). You could of course have chosen not pay by DD so as to keep full control of payments but that would also mean you would pay more for your energy.
I'm afraid I still think it's a matter of choice. -
thanks for that mate 😉