Thank you for the screenshots. Snapshots make it very difficult to work out where any problem might lie. It looks like smart readings are not taken every month and for some reason there has been some estimating along the way. This can all lead to accounts falling out of date and adjustments being made. Looking at the one statement with meter readings from 1 Jan to 1 Apr 23 the usage and charges don't look outrageous to me (I'm assuming the flat is heated by electricity... unless you use some other form of energy). However, you do say that you were out of the country during the period. Was the flat empty for the entire three months? Was the flat still being heated?
Reversed account charges can be very confusing but the figures that really matter are what you are actually being billed for over any given period. You are currently submitting daily readings. Does your daily consumption look sensible to you?
Can you find a previous statement where you were last happy that all was well? You could subtract the meter reads on that statement from your current readings to see what you have consumed since then (according to the statements). Knowing what you would expect to consume when the flat is occupied during the period might help you to see if the consumption and charges are reasonable.
When a credit refund is requested, the account must first be brought up-to-date. I'm wondering if the credit balance that you were basing your request on was out-of-date and with all the adjustments that have been made on the account to update it, it has led to a debit balance. Perhaps your consumption warrants a higher Direct Debit to stop debit balances getting too high.
Sorry I'm not able to pin this down but if it was me I would focus on all previous monthly statements and work through them to see what
I think my account balance actually
should be and if it agrees with what
they think it is.
Try to ensure that meter readings are taken or provided every month. Look at every monthly statement that is being generated to see if it is as it should be. Another worthwhile thing to do is to look at your meter readings for night and day. Boil a kettle or two and make sure the reading that advances is the right one. It has been known for those on dual rate tariffs to have them confused so that they get billed at the day rate for their night consumption and vice versa.
If you can give any more info then please do. Others here will hopefully be reading this and will hopefully have better ideas than I can come up with.