Is Indigo Pipelines a scam ?

  • wizzo227's Avatar
    Level 21
    Todays' letter from "Indigo Pipelines the energy carrier" to "Dear Customer" is contacting me to let me know about the "Priority Services Register" to provide extra help and support for vulnerable people during a supply interruption. They want to register a pretty broad collection of everyone of pensionable age, plus a whole lot of other possible reasons such as having children. The thing is, the letter isn't from "British Gas" and I'd never heard of this lot before. Is it just a phishing scam to collect names addresses and contact details ?

    For people who ought to be on a priority services register, what does EoN recommend for EoN customers ?
  • 6 Replies

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    PeterT_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    Best Answer
    Hey @wizzo227 ๐Ÿ‘‹

    I can confirm that Indigo Pipelines are an Independent Gas Transporter (IGT). I actually received something similar from my gas transporter a few weeks ago about the Priority Services Register., I'm also with an IGT.

    They won't appear on the list you've found from Ofgem, as they operate slightly differently to the regular Meter Asset Managers. You can find them all here

    You'll typically be with an Independent Gas Transporter if your Meter Point Reference Number for your gas starts with the number 7.
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  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    A quick internet search shows them to be a genuine gas transporter with plenty of contact details should you wish to check them out.
    I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
  • wizzo227's Avatar
    Level 21
    Still suspicious.
    Should the Ofgem list of registered gas shippers list them before INEOS?
    Hartree Partners Power & Gas Company (UK) Limited04308186Gas Shipper
    Hartree Partners Supply (UK) Limited09283816Gas Shipper
    Iberdrola Clientes Espana S.A.UA95758371Gas Shipper
    Iberdrola Generacion S.A.UA-95.075586Gas Shipper
    In Commodities A/S38381954Gas Shipper
    INEOS Energy Trading Limited11007244Gas Shipper
    Inovyn Energy Limited02076043Gas Shipper
    Inspired Energy Solutions Limited04005541Gas Shipper
    International Power Fuel Company Limited03867156Gas Shipper
    Ithaca Oil and Gas Limited01546623Gas Shipper
    J Aron & Company LLC00247 - 1982MGas Shipper
    J.P. Morgan Markets Limited01592029Gas Shipper
    J.P. Morgan Securities plc02711006Gas Shipper
    ... and pages and pages more like that later ...

    Indigo's own website says that they've been around since 1992 but other stuff says that SSE changed the name of their gas pipeline department to Indigo in 2014. Why would SSE want to spend probably a million collecting names and contact details of pretty much everyone elses' customers? There must be a motive for them to have spent money sending a paper letter by post and it won't be altruism because they are a plc. I reckon that getting "most" households onto the PSR by a quick easy process of online self-registration might be "worth a go" in order to strengthen credibility of their saying "can't" "because of all the names on PSR" when asked to turn off the gas.

    I maintain my personal preference of what to do about fossil gas heating, which is to strengthen every possible renewable alternative including the intermittent ones, and "turn it off! stupid".

    Meanwhile, what should EoN-next gas customers do if they receive a similar letter about the "Priority Services Register" PSR ?
  • DebF_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    @wizzo227 I haven't personally heard of them but I can look into this for you. I wonder if @PeterT_EONNext has any knowledge on this?
    "Green is the prime colour of the world and that from which it's loveliness arises"-Pedro Calderon De La Barca ๐ŸŒณ

    E.ON Next Poll - How much do you know about the Priority Service Register? - If you have a spare 2 minutes ๐Ÿ•‘ we'd love if you complete our poll about the Priority Service Register ๐Ÿค—
  • wizzo227's Avatar
    Level 21
    Peter, thanks. For anyone else who receives a letter to "dear customer" from a Gas Transporter (IGT) company offering to let them self-identify as belonging on the Priority Services Register (PSR), does EoN recommend that they should, or is it a waste of time and a dilution of the credibility of the PSR to list customers whose gas is extra-important to themselves according to themselves, so better to ignore such letters ?
  • PeterT_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team

    I believe it may just be another avenue for anyone to be able to register such information to be honest. When you tell your supplier about a disability/vulnerability, we'll gain consent from you to add you to the Priority Services Register. We then share this with the gas and electricity networks so that they know who to notify should there be a planned power outage/gas disruption, usually with the idea to get those that absolutely need to be on supply, back on supply, as soon as possible.

    It works both ways, so if someone were to get in touch with their gas transporter and be placed onto the Priority Services Register, the energy supplier of the property will also be informed so that they can update their records too.

    I'd advise if there's anyone unsure as to why they've received this/can't confirm that the company is legit, to just speak to their energy supplier anyway ๐Ÿ˜Š