Rescued wildlife pets ?

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  • Tracy's Avatar
    Level 15
    Hi just thought I'd post something different change the mood from all this worry we have going in our own lifes makes one see it's not always has bad has it seems with all these energy prices , climate change , money troubles , let's talk about animals the unheard voices that need our help too and can't ask , well I say that but contradictory I do know the universe works in mysterious ways and I'm sure I've been connected many a time with the voice of a animal threw intent for help , me and my daughter have some rescue hamsters that were left unattended poor guys just needed some love doing great now we have 11 🤭 one was really badly bitten from another she managed to fully heal the little guy doing cartwheels now lol , she's just taken a adorable rabbit in believe it or not was supposed to be aggressive but is happily coming for cuddles 🤷 hedgehogs that's another one close too my heart we travelled 60 miles to a rescue in the night poor girl never made the next day she had to be put to sleep she had been threw some chemical that had burnt her but on the upside we found her she was give pain medication and put too sleep without any more struggle , I think many forget theres big issues going on outside in nature too we have all this bombardment in our own life's and although I don't want to downplay the hardships I think it can help us to help others too threw it , I've met a lot of very kind people and very hard working ones that help in so many ways out there , I would like to raise a toast to them and anyone on here if you have a story to share would love to hear it animal or human related just fills the air with the goodness in the community we still need to hear about 🤗
    Last edited by EmmaN; 27-11-23 at 12:32.
  • 24 Replies

  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    It’s a great thing you do looking out for animals. Last pets I had were a couple of moggies about 30 years ago. Not my choice really but I liked them, and with a cat flap they just came and went as they pleased. No trouble at all.
    I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
  • Tracy's Avatar
    Level 15
    Well it helps the mind in times of troubles to give help somewe're else really is worth it aww my daughter had two indoor cats she loves them I'm a dog person myself have two quite old ones now been my best friends and keep me warm at night ha ha
  • Han_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    @Tracy thanks for sharing that!!

    I'm also an aminal person, and I do agree that animals are a way to help heal, ground and comfort us when we need them too! Growing up my family was constantly bring home new aniamls to look after (my brothers especially!) I have a really strong memory of my brother nursing some abandon kittens in his bedroom and we all hid it from my mum for as long as we could 🤣
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  • Tracy's Avatar
    Level 15
    Ha ha how sweet aww I had aouse under my bed in a tub the cat got it and I tryed to mend it with TCP 🤣unfortunately I didn't know that wouldn't help at the tender age of 10 it passed away but I tryed lol we had monkeys at my home my mum had 4 and 10 dogs birds tortoises cats fish u name it so tes I'm a animal lover 🤗
  • Tracy's Avatar
    Level 15
    Excuse the spelling mistakes I could lie and say it's code but no good old fast texting 🤣
  • Beki's Avatar
    Oh @Tracy, you're a girl after my own heart. We've had lots of pets and also some rescues too. Our most recent rescue was a bunny who's bunny partner was mauled by a dog and died. She came to live with us and now has all the fuss 🐰
  • Tracy's Avatar
    Level 15
    Aww I adore rabbits especially the mini lops there's so affectionate we've had many over the years I once found two baby pigeons in our garden fell from a tree we hand reared them till they could fly it was so rewarding I even sat on the floor pecking with my finger to show them how to eat they came back for a while Wen released I see them occasionally in my garden feeding now but they have by looks made a family now beautiful to be apart of that x
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  • Tracy's Avatar
    Level 15
    This is eve she was going to be thrown out on the motorway has so we were told god knows wat mentality someone had to do that but she's safe and sound now loving life x
  • Connor_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    @Tracy I absolutely love this topic. Last year we found a baby fox that seemed to have had an accident - poor little thing couldn't turn his neck. Rescue centre couldn't take him in for a couple of days but we kept him comfortable - even named him Pumpkin. Luckily he was taken to a rehabilitation centre to get back to full health.
    🌳Together we can work to achieve a more sustainable Future 🌳