@retrotecchie the serial number in my account matches my electricity meter. There are only a couple of smart readings in there around the time the meter was commissioned. But like I say I did have more readings than this in the EON app until they disappeared completely in there.
Well I had my third engineer visit this morning. It didn't last long as they said the couldn't do anything more for me because the signal is so bad in that area of the house. So I'm pretty much out of options now I think considering I already have the T2 aerial. A check on the O2 coverage checker page shows that a mast is down in the area but it's been like that for months and months now and they have no date as to when they think they will fix it so I guess my best option is to put pressure on O2!?
Chances are if any O2 3g coverage is done by another operator under a code sharing agreement on their masts, it won't be coming back on anytime soon. Vodafone and EE are currently shutting down two or three masts a month and have been since October last year.
Your only option is to get a 4/5g hub fitted if you are in an area with decent Vodafone coverage as they have won the contract for DCC's next generation communications. Unfortunately, those hubs are in very short supply and hard to get hold of.
Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons.
@retrotecchie thanks for the info. Interestingly the engineer's phone was Vodafone and he was struggling for signal as well. So we are all told to move to smart meters and they are shutting down masts all over the place. That will work well then! I have read about the 4/5g hubs but like you say I can't see that being available to me any time soon either.
Does anyone know if Bright obtain their data in a different way to EON and Loop? After re-organising the kitchen cupboard where my meter is I have had all 5 lights on my meter flashing every 5 seconds for days now. To me that says all comms are good. Data is also populating in Bright at various points during the day yet nothing in Loop or EON apps. EON still say the meter needs sorting but I can't get my head round why Bright continues to work!?
@newmanl72 I do find these apps all produce different amounts of data and take time to populate. Because I can't rely on my system being smart I take actual meter readings and do the necessary calculations. Yep all comes from DCC.
Last edited by WizzyWigg; 23-11-23 at 09:09.
Reason: Extra information
@WizzyWigg I take it you are not on any tariff that relies on a smart meter connection? I am possibly looking to move to the EON Next Drive tariff and I don't know if this is possible if EON say they can't connect to my meter. But as I say Bright continues to update nicely.
@WizzyWigg I take it you are not on any tariff that relies on a smart meter connection? I am possibly looking to move to the EON Next Drive tariff and I don't know if this is possible if EON say they can't connect to my meter. But as I say Bright continues to update nicely.
Just Fixed Dual Fuel. @geoffers is the wizz on the Drive Tariff I'll tag him in so next time he passes he might be able to advise you.
@WizzyWigg I take it you are not on any tariff that relies on a smart meter connection? I am possibly looking to move to the EON Next Drive tariff and I don't know if this is possible if EON say they can't connect to my meter. But as I say Bright continues to update nicely.
Afraid you will need a smart meter for Next Drive, since they need to measure your ½ hourly usage between midnight and 7:00 a.m. for the cheap nighttime rate.
If you can't get EOn to sort your meter out it may be worth jumping ship to Octopus and see if they can sort it, as they have 2p cheaper day & night tariff rates (but only 5 hours rather than 7 of cheap leccy)
You do need a dedicated charger or car which they are able to communicate with (apparently)
@geoffers thanks for the reply. My confusion is that Bright continues to show me my half hourly usage and is updating nicely at various times during the day. As Bright get its data from the DCC then surely EON just do the same. I guess I won't know until I try to apply for the tariff at which point they will say yes or no.
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