After many many emails I am told I have to get my own engineer even though the supply has never worked (the house is empty at the moment).
I am already in complaint mode so that obviously means nothing.!!!
Can any kind person interpret what 'supply off' might mean (well in credit) and how I might be able to sort it?
Other supply companies have helpful youtubes to reset the meter (A and B buttons etc) I imagine all meters are the same???
What may have led to the gas supply being off - the credit from the prepayment gas meter was applied to the electricity account so the gas meter was in arrears (no gas used but standing charges!) When the meters were changed, new PAYG accounts were started up, despite having had cresit checks and set up direct debits for credit accounts. I only found this out accidentally. There's more and worse but for now
Can anyone advise me how to get the gas on!!??!
PS the house is 25 miles away and I can't get there now to check that the installer didnt leave the gas supply off. That would be a result frankly, if annoying...