Smart Meters - Questions Answered

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  • P962c's Avatar
    Level 8

    • Why did you get a smart meter?

    We were looking at installing Solar Panels. (also required for the Smart Export Guarantee)
    • How long have you had the smart meter installed?

    We had the meter fitted in 2019. Installation took longer than expected due to the availability of SMETS2 meters. I did not want to have a SMETS1 meter installed and then have to change it at later date. The technology used in the SMETS1 meter was already very outdated when first launched and installed.
    • Have you been able to track your energy usage more effectively with the smart meter?

    I have been able to track usage very effectively using not only the smart meter but also using the Eon Home app and the Solar Edge monitoring system. I can now check my electric bill very accurately. I can also track solar generation, battery usage and status, exported electricity and usage from the grid.This is also in real time.

    • What impact on your energy bills had there been since using the smart meter?

    The meter in itself has not had a major impact on the bill as we have always used domestic appliances only when required and have the heating (Heat Pump) on when the room temperatures are below a set value. What has made a huge impact, as would be expected, is the solar panel system.
    The electricity bills are more accurate with the meter.

    • Are you using any additional features of the smart meter, such as time-of-use rates or real-time energy monitoring?

    I am currently looking at the EV charging tariff which has a lower rate for charging overnight

    • Are there any aspects of the smart meter system that you wish were different or improved?

    I would like to be able download historical data

    • Have you encountered any technical issues or challenges with the smart meter? If yes, what were they and how were they resolved?

    The meter has worked without problems so far.

    • Have you considered integrating the smart meter data with other smart home devices or automation systems?

    Smart meters (SMETS2) communicate through two wireless networks: the HAN (home area network) and WAN (wide area network).
    The HAN network allows the smart gas meter to communicate with its paired smart electricity meter and to your display unit.
    The WAN network sends the data out from your home to your energy supplier.
    This is not accessible to the householder, so I am not sure how other smart devices connect to these networks.
    With AI controlling these types of systems in the near future I would like to understand the safeguards that are in place to protect the data

    • Would you recommend having a smart meter and why?

    I would recommend having a smart meter because it is easier to change usage habits to reduce the overall bill. It does provide more accurate billing.
    If all homes had a smart meter fitted, I am sure that dynamic pricing would be introduced and as a result bills would increase. In time there would not be such clear differences between peak and non-peak times.

    Most tariffs now require a meter to be fitted to obtain the best deals. I guess that in the end there probably will not be a choice.
    I would think most new build houses are likely to have smart meters already installed.

    Questions posed by DebF_EONNEXT

  • 3 Replies

  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    I'll tag @DebF_EONNext to alert her to your answers to her questionnaire 👍
    I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
  • DebF_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    Thanks @JoeSoap.

    I did pop @P962c a DM but I forgot to reply over here 🙈 This is such a great thread and I love reading things like this from our members it gives other members a better outlook and gives us a better insight into how these things work (or don't) then it means we can feed it back 😊

    How is your smart meter going now Joesoap all tickety-boo I hope?
    Last edited by DebF_EONNext; 02-10-23 at 20:54. Reason: tagged Joesoap twice!
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  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91
    How is your smart meter going now Joesoap all tickety-boo I hope?

    All seems ok so far thanks. Acid test in a few days when I’ll see if readings are automatically taken and a bill produced 🤞