Wednesday 29/11/2023
From 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm 20% target usage
*Based on your usage over the past 8 days
Reduce your electricity usage
Friday 01/12/2023
From 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm 20% target usage
*Based on your usage over the past 8 days
How did you do with your energy saving?
The results are in. You reduced your energy usage by 95% You may not have reached your target this time around, but there is still plenty of time to be rewarded for saving energy in future events.
Please can someone in the know at Eon Next explain to me how come I failed?
#PowerSwitch is a #CON
So you have your results back for 29th. The last comms I had was 'Your results are being calculated'.
Perhaps they do the rejections first 🤞
Interesting that you had a target of 20%, achieved 95% and that is a fail. I notice they don't actually tell you your kWh. I wonder if they have a problem and don't actually know what it is. Or they are conning us and showings actual figures means they would have to do the proper level of compensation.
Remember last year when the nation was short of gas? If gas is in short supply then they would cut the electricity to stop everyone using gas.
If the gas pipes run dry then there are huge safety issues for getting the gas back on due to possible explosions in the pipes where gas and air will be mixed.
We once woke up to no gas affecting the whole village and it was because some joker had opened the cabinet and turned off the gas taps. Every property had to be individually isolated from the street before the gas taps could be turned on and then every property was turned on in turn.
I don’t remember the gas shortage but I always think that if we lose gas I can manage as I have an immersion heater, an electric oven and a few cheap convection heaters. If we lose electricity the boiler won’t work so all I’ll have is a gas hob and a gas fire. We could live but it would be uncomfortable.
I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
I failed with just a 4% reduction. We’re usually in the house at this time, but we were out at the time of this event. I switched off lots of electrical items and unplugged them, removed chargers etc. While out the lights were all off and the heating is gas powered. So I’m not sure what else we could have done to reduce. Even if the comparison and target for a December evening was set against a warmer and lighter day September or October, I can’t see it would make a difference.
Which makes me think the effort to reduce power usage isn’t really worthwhile for such a small impact. I’m probably missing the point.
I guess if I wanted to reduce further I could switch off the fridge and freezer
Oh I registered but had no invite. Not really surprising as data communications not reliable. I did show willing though. 🤓
I'm doing my own version of DFS. The WizzyWigg version😂. Not only that I've reduced overall consumption of gas and electric (I know what you are going to say 😂😂) by 26.51%. Toasty as well 🌞🌞. No major changes to routine and no faffing just a few tweaks. So quids in and kept leccy usage to the absolute minimum during peak times. 😇
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